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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. What begins? People, please stop saying that I have a heart condition. It begins!
  2. [youtubehd]cWTRcbV7HJo[/youtubehd]
  3. I finished a track. For the first time in a month or so. I'm happy.
  4. Telling the entire world your strategy before heading to battle seems like a solid idea. To be honest, I'm pretty damn scared now.
  5. i want to play it, but i never played the others. do i have to in order to play infinite? or will i be good story wise?From what I've heard, it's a lot more interesting if you've played the others.
  6. That video is by the same dude(s) that has been bitching and moaning about the Mass Effect 3 ending for over a year. His/her/their opinion on anything is completely invalid.
  7. Pop is the perfect summer ambient album. so warm.
  8. This music hurts my head on headphones. Pretty nice on speakers though.
  9. GTA V is out in a few months. New consoles won't be needed for the next few years.
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