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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. Watched Inland Empire again yesterday night. I seriously don't get it.. During those three hours, there's maybe 20 minutes that are actually interesting. Also watched Kill Bill 1 & 2 for the first time last week. Very good and entertaining.
  2. I wouldn't take the whole thing about ‘Semena Mertvykh’ being three minutes of silence very seriously. I've read multiple movie/game reviews where the reviewer have stated that the movie/game didn't have any music in it, just because what it had was very drone-y or ambient. I doubt they'd do another Magic Window.
  3. If that Godus game becomes super popular, I guess it could change your life.
  4. If BOC becomes more popular I'll stop listening to them. My taste in music is the only unique thing about me, and if the masses take that away, I might as well go and jump off a bridge.
  5. Rob Schneider is..

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. sergeantk


      rated R for pirates, FUCK YOU

    3. MadameChaos


      in need of a bigger boat...

  6. GTA IV online free roam is the best thing ever. I just jumped out a helicopter and landed on some homeless dude sleeping on a park bench. We both died.
  7. They basically made one stupidly huge fucking advertisment for the album, way before the review. Of course it was going to get a ridiculously high score, making sure they don't close down that Columbia Records money tap. lol This review coupled with the 6.2 Bibio review just reaffirmed for me just how much Pitchfork is not worth taking seriously. They gave Bibio a lower score than this? WHAT!? WHAT!?!?!? Worst website in the world.
  8. I guess you wasn't there when minimal techno daddies pulled the plug on deutsch motherfuckers techy clickno pop hype. PdP is one of Dial's own kids, let me tell you how bullshit all their organization was. Veeery bullshit. KEEPING IT REAL BABY, DEEEEEEEETROIT Meh
  9. Panda Bear. Wasn't that the guy who almost evenhandedly ruined an entire Pantha Du Prince album?
  10. I have two assignments for tomorrow that I just don't feel like doing, since they won't matter at all. We've already been graded for this semester, so these last two are pretty much just there to make it look like we're doing something. Meh.
  11. Man, I don't like this album AT ALL. It makes me so ANGRY.
  12. The problem is that this album doesn't have enough detuned synths and female vocals with lots of reverb.
  13. "There is more to digest in many of the tracks here than most bands can pack into an entire album."
  14. lol playing Sims makes me feel the same way. The characters in there always end up becoming hella rich and successful while I'm just sitting there, playing a video game. Good thing they always end up drowning in the pool or something, to balance it all off.
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