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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. Amazon is confusing me. They say that the album will be sent out sooner, but on the product page it still says the 10th.
  2. The items listed below will actually be dispatched sooner than we had originally expected based on the new release date: Boards of Canada "Tomorrow's Harvest" Previous estimated arrival date: June 20 2013 - June 25 2013 New estimated arrival date: June 13 2013 - June 18 2013 YYYAAAAAYYYYYYYY
  3. Deadly Premonition is amazing. I feel sorry for everyone who refuses to play it, just because the graphics are dated. Anyway, just finished The Witcher 2. The third act was really good, since it had less running around and more story stuff. Too bad the rest of the game wasn't like this.
  4. Good. Very good. Thanks for answering such an important question.
  5. I wonder what version amazon is selling. I mean, both version comes in one of those cool digipak things instead of just a jewel case, right?
  6. It took me a while to get used to the combat. It wasn't until the halfway point I got a really good grip on the controls and rythm. I'd agree that it's an issue since I couldn't get myself to play through the other plotline in the remaster because it's hard to appreciate the combat system. But there's a lot to appreciate besides the combat imo. Beautiful environments, great character and mob design, good plot, no shitty filler content etc. I'm in the middle of Act 2 now, and I hate this game. It's unbearable. You're right that the environments are pretty to look at, and you sure get to do just that, because of the awful map and endless "go there and then go there"-kinda quests. The plot is unbelievably boring too. Seriously, this game.. ugh. LAME. edit: Seriously.. this game. This is the worst RPG I've ever played.
  7. I'm honestly not enjoying The Witcher 2 at all. Anyone know if gets any better after Act 1?
  8. Omg, that movie felt like an eternity. I thought it was pretty nice to look at, so that one and a half hour went by quickly for me. Dune on the other hand..
  9. Valhalla Rising. Pretty good I think. Not nearly as slow as everyone make it out to be.
  10. What movie was it? R. That danish prison one from 2010. Pretty sweet I think.
  11. I spent all day yesterday writing a movie analysis assignment for school. Worked for 14 hours in a row.. just sitting there.. typing words on a screen. It's good though. Very good.

    1. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      why did he get banned?

  13. I wish I didn't have a TV.

  14. it means i agree to a painful extent Oh..Oh :<
  15. Days go by way too fast without me doing anything at all..
  16. All I know is that Bibio and Marcus Eoin knew each other during the making of Fi. Says so in the inlay for Fi where Bibio thanks him for his support. Don't you think it's just a little curios that BOC suddenly got very interested in old sounding guitar recordings, when both Fi and Campfire came out the same year, (Fi in February, Campfire in October)? Not saying this is a fact, but it doesn't really seem that far-fetched to me. If anyone has some interviews or something that debunks this super amazing theory, feel free to post them.
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