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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. I think this might be one of the aphex twins
  2. Only watch this if you feel like losing all hope for the future of humanity. (didn't know where else to post this)
  3. Replaying a few levels in Max Payne 3. Still the best shooter in years
  4. well Limpy, if you didn't tell everyone to eat poop all the time, they'd probably be a little more friendly towards you. telling people to eat poop isn't very nice
  5. According to my last.fm (which I reset a year ago): Autechre – Further Autechre – Pir Autechre – Piezo Autechre – Cep puiqMX Autechre – Under BOAC Autechre – Yulquen Autechre – Dropp Autechre – Piobmx19 Autechre – Drane2 Autechre – TAPR Autechre – Sublimit Autechre – Altibzz Autechre – os veix3 Autechre – Rettic AC Autechre – Stud Autechre – Liccflii Autechre – Squeller Autechre – Zeiss Contarex Autechre – Bronchusevenmx24 Autechre – Surripere Autechre – VL AL 5 Autechre – V-PROC Autechre – LCC Autechre – Fermium Autechre – iris was a pupil Pretty boring, since all I've been listening to for the last few months have been the 'chre. They're really good though.
  6. Game has a lot more to offer than what's been spoiled here.
  7. Maybe Steinvord is the Rephlex's equivalent of Gescom.
  8. I prefer story based games these days, so that's probably why I didn't enjoy it that much.
  9. Yup.. The story does pick up near the end, but to be quite honest, I really don't get the hype for that game. Everything about it is just "okay".
  10. Whoever chose the preview clips for this album did a really really bad job. I know it makes sense to save the best parts for the people who actually decides to buy the album, but 4 realz. Some of these tracks are hella sweet but the previews make them sound like outtakes from the last album. It's quite good.
  11. Would be cooler if it's just some random spanish dude.
  12. I'm not sure I see why it matters that much.
  13. I hope we'll get a full album from this guy soon. on cd.
  14. recks on. Best track. of all time. In the history of the universe. If you disagree, fuck you I'm not in the mood for stupid bullshit today.
  15. Best opener to any ae album is r ess. The fade in, the reverb, the beats, the everythings. That one has both an amazing opener AND an excellent closer.
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