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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. This better arrive today. I don't think I can handle another day without Exai at this point.
  2. Does not realize there are two discs "But my overall impression of the first half, EXAI thus far"
  3. I justt recebtly played through all the mass effect games, finishing me3 last week. I feel like I need a cooling off period before jumping into Citadel. Glad to hear it sounds good tho^^.It's really, really good. I mean, it's pretty much pure fan-service, and it's all rather cheesy, but the game and characters seems fully aware of that. Lots of references and jokes for fans of the trilogy. Finding Grunt half-asleep in the shower during the big party, was a pretty amazing experience. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SPOILERSEasy. It's one small thing out of a hundred. Depending on what you do, you might not even get it.
  4. Who the shit would pay that much for two tracks of music. 53 bids.... why
  5. I justt recebtly played through all the mass effect games, finishing me3 last week. I feel like I need a cooling off period before jumping into Citadel. Glad to hear it sounds good tho^^. It's really, really good. I mean, it's pretty much pure fan-service, and it's all rather cheesy, but the game and characters seems fully aware of that. Lots of references and jokes for fans of the trilogy. Finding Grunt half-asleep in the shower during the big party, was a pretty amazing experience.
  6. The ending to the Citadel DLC for ME3 was hella emotional
  7. I'm with Charles here. Guitars are manly and awesome
  8. Whoa. WHOA there. I didn't say they did stupid stuff all the time. Often, but not constantly.
  9. I'm pretty sure that at least quite a few are looking for more followers and nice comments.
  10. So you are saying they are fucking up intentionally? That just seems kind of odd to me (even if the folks at EA can be pretty dumb at times). Maybe I'm wrong, fuck it. I don't really care. I have no idea what the hell EA are doing or thinking, to be quite honest. A lot of the time, their actions makes very little sense. What I do know though, is that EA are not afraid to cut corners and do stupid stuff, when they know they'll get away with it. In a perfect world, all the people who just got screwed over with this whole Sim City thing would stay far away from any EA product in the future. But what we all know, is that EA will get their shit together in a week or two, and 90% of consumers will go "eh, shit happens." Anyways, let's end it here yea. I haven't bought Sim City, and now that the Mass Effect trilogy is finally over and done with, I'll stay far away from anything EA in the future. Not much more I can do.
  11. Getting away with games that are unplayable in singleplayer and/or multiplayer in the week after release, either because of server issues or crappy always-online DRM. In this case, it's both of those things.
  12. "They just can't predict how much server activity there will be the first day." Yes they can. They have the pre-order numbers, which at least should give them an idea of the amount of traffic the servers should be able to handle, on day-1. The reason we keep seeing it is because they keep getting away with it. That a lot of people are getting really pissed off about this is a good sign.
  13. It has nothing to do with time. When you pay money for a product, you should be able to use it. I agree that whining about the ending for a videogame for a year in a row, or being angry about the main character's hair color, is a bit much, but not even being able to play the game is horsecrap. If you'd paid 30-40£ (or 400-500 Denmark coins) for a game, and you were unable to play it days after release, would you seriously just shrug it off? I mean, look at this sheeiiit: http://www.amazon.co.uk/product-reviews/B00B47CP9W/ref=cm_cr_dp_see_all_top?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1 For once, I feel people have every right to be pissed off. EA is a HUGE company who should be able to afford some working servers, and they should have foreseen that quite a few people would be picking it up during the week of release. You don't need super-human abilities to figure that one out.
  14. Considering that I waste a lot of time on here every day, and if you want me to, I would gladly help you keep track of this stuff. Send some links your way and stuff.
  15. Well, if EA didn't make wrong moves every single week, there'd probably be a lot less complaining. The hate for Sim City, from what I've read all over the place, is justified. It's nearly unplayable for many because of crappy servers. Not saying that they don't release awesome games, because they do, but it has nothing to do with them being a huge company or anything. Take Two is a huge company too, and you rarely see a whole lot of hate for those guys. edit: Best intentions doesn't matter much if you've paid 35£ for a brand new game and it doesn't work. I agree that the gaming community is filled with whiny man-babies, but If you sell a downright broken product, you better be ready to catch some flak for it.
  16. Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC. Best piece of DLC I've ever bought. Content overload
  17. After 3, I have zero interest in the AC games. Give it a break already..
  18. About to start another ME3 playthrough in anticipation for the new DLC. SO EXCITED!!!!
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