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Friendly Foil

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Everything posted by Friendly Foil

  1. From what I'm hearing in chatmm right now, this album is supposed to be really really good.
  2. It is hard when one of those damn pigeons glitches and doesn't show up, after you've spent five hours shooting all the others. That's when I gave up on the 100% thing.
  3. 90% of Sleeping Dogs was really boring imo. Ending was sweet though.
  4. I respect your opinion 100%, but I'm afraid you're wrong.
  5. I'm so sorry Tri. Is there anything I can do for you to feel better?
  6. Sorry, I will never utter the name Chris Cunningham again :( It was directed at Limpy.
  7. Finished first half of Sealab season 1 today. Will start on Harvey Birdman soon.
  8. I don't really play the games for the combat, hence why I always play on casual. The enemies die from one shot during cutscenes, so why should it take longer during gameplay? The games are all about atmosphere and the characters.
  9. Completed the entire Mass Effect trilogy... again. Every single mission, assignment and all DLCs. I'll need a long break from the trilogy after this, but even after all these playthroughs they're still my favorite games of all time. Everything about them is perfect for me.
  10. So what are things really like in North Korea Foil seeing as you live there? 'quite good'
  11. I think I'd prefer death sentence over that. Daaayumn
  12. I'm not very good at being a positive person these days.
  13. Lesson learnt: Never help anyone with anything.
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