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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. FFFFUUUUUUUUUUck That is literally the most eargasmic thing I've ever heard.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eCu0WJAveg
  3. I just can't get enough of Newcastle/french jokes.
  4. also where those who have bad grammar come together to mock others. Exaictly! My english is fucking awful.
  5. Apparently 'chre threads is where everybody who scored over 30 in the autism test gathers.
  6. Kind of bizarre seeing Chelsea and Manchester City in the bottom of this list:
  7. Samba to QPR. Amazing signing for QPR, I reckon they have a chance of staying up now.
  8. Another level-headed and sympathetic comment from ol' grumpy whiskey nose (regarding De Gea criticism): Jesus christ, I'm getting so sick of him. I can understand he wants to protect De Gea, fair enough. But nobody can deny that he haven't lived to expectations. And I don't care much respect he deserves, or how great a manager he is. He needs to work on that fucking attitude of his. I like how he always thinks everybody but himself, are just idiots.
  9. I went to McDonalds earlier today. I still feel bad about it. Also... fuck McDonalds food.
  10. @jhonny sorry, I edited that picture. They've actuallly made some really quality signings. But Pardew can be such a hypocrite sometimes.
  11. Didn't Alan Pardew complain that Arsenal had too many foreign players some years ago? Well...
  12. I don't think so: If there was any body search at the entry, he would't have gone through. I'm thinking there wasn't any at all. That politician must wake up today, feeling rather lucky still being alive.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jy9gkhGBtzw&feature=player_embedded
  14. I wouldn't say it's bad, it's pretty average. The boss battles in this game, they are almost as bad as in Deus Ex's: HR. Shooters and boss battles are not a great combination.
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