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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. My first job also had horrible public transportation options for getting there. Before I got mydriver's license, I got up 5am every morning, and was home 7pm everyday. Worst year of my life. Waiting hours at the bus-stop in winter time was a fucking bitch *whine whine* Props for staying in it for a year, I don't know if I can last a week, haha! I got up at 5am, left at 5:30, got to work 10 mins late (7:10am) and I got back at 18:00. The work is a graft too, on my feet all day, physical and mental work with a damn 30 minute lunch break. By the time I went up the road and got a sandwich, texted people, I had 5 minutes to stuff half my lunch in me I don't know how to feel about this, apart from feeling knackered, is this considered normal for everyone else? I don't want to leave with the knowledge that I might just be a lazy arse. 6 days a week I might add. Not sure that was a good thing.. That job wasn't kind to the 17-18 year old me The worst part about the winter time wasn't the weather. It was the fact that I almost didn't see any daylight for 24 hours, because I worked in a warehouse without any windows. I know people that work on nightshifts has the same problem, but that shit is just not for me.
  2. Do you think it's embarrassing to get underwear in a present or something?
  3. Been quite addicted to this track lately:
  4. This might be my favorite 'Everything Is Terrible' video yet.
  5. Not a particularly good pic.. But I caught a a flock of deers the other day:
  6. I think I might have the worst english grammar on watmm. My first job also had horrible public transportation options for getting there. Before I got mydriver's license, I got up 5am every morning, and was home 7pm everyday. Worst year of my life. Waiting hours at the bus-stop in winter time was a fucking bitch *whine whine*
  7. lol Yeah.. the Life of Pi trailer might be the cheesiest thing I've watched in my entire life.
  8. I don't know what's most cheesy looking... Life of Pi or Cloud Atlas...
  9. David Villa is 31 years old and he has injury history. He's a good player, and Arsenal could use him. But not for 16m pund.
  10. If we're talking about good game endings, then Red Dead Redemption has to take the prize for me. Pretty sure I've already mentioned that a couple of times in this thread. But I did not see what happened coming. And nice to see someone actually experimenting a bit with it. edit: oh... and Kane & Lynch I have to admit I quite like those games.. especially the sequel. Probably the best 'bad' game I've ever played.
  11. Yes it does, and it's the worst part of the game. Another shitty video game ending.. Who would have thought that?
  12. Don't give up on it. I remember having some issues with the controls in start. They've changed a lot things from the previous games, so it's just a question of getting used to it. There's a lot of things to like about the game. And if you don't continue you'll never get to play the awesome naval combat missions. And a couple of the traveling side missions are really great too.
  13. I started watching Deadwood. I'm on 5 episode or something. And I'm not enjoying it as much as I had hoped.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAIK-gIC6VM
  15. If Newcastle manages to sign Loic Remy, they might actually end up being strengthened this transfer-window. At least they will have two quality strikers (Remy & Cisse) that might actually be able to play together. And Debuchy is also a quality player. And once players like Cabaye, Ben Arfa are not injured anymore, things will look very different.
  16. Apparently Wenger is willing to pay 16 million pund for David Villa. I just don't understand what's going on in his head anymore.
  17. Here's a photo of Obel playing Final Fantasy with all his friends:
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