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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. Probably his deepest work to date. If could actually understand what's he's saying
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vxrKg-wR_8
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDwpluZsE9Y
  4. The year that the Watkins ruined christmas.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ms1Cow9ygys
  6. CharlesWatkins up in this hizzy.
  7. Maybe I was a bit hard on it. And you can probably buy it really cheap. I think I bought it for like 8 punds in some store. It's definitely worth a playthrough for that kind of money.
  8. I caught myself posting on watmm christmas eve. No don't :(
  9. Save your money for Infinite. I've had almost the entire intro of the game spoiled for me in gaming podcasts (which I really regret). But what I've heard about it sounds incredible. It's going to touch on some subjects, no other games has ever been near.... like racism and religion. And don't get me wrong, I don't think it's cool there's going to be racism in the game. It's cool that it's going to be a theme in the game, and that they're going to actually going to address it (mostly because of the time period). Most developers are scared of that sort stuff, just look at Assassins Creed III. Even though it was set in colonial America, slavery was hardly mentioned.
  10. Bioshock 2 is no where near being as good as the original. I personally did not enjoy it at all. It just don't have the same atmosphere. And even though the gameplay is very similar to the original, it's still inferior. It's hard for me to really explain why, but I was so bored with Bioshock 2 compared to the original. I completed both games for the first time within the same month. So it's not just because I remember it wrong.
  11. As much as I hate Van Persie. This was a huge dickmove by Ashley Williams.
  12. There's a bit much randomness going on, even for ae. I hope there are other tracks over it. I would love if, on the album it will sounds a bit more simplistic, with the beat as the main focus. edit: dunno if that made any sense.
  13. David Villa to Swansea. That would be pretty fucking crazy. Still seems somehow likely. Swansea is slowing becoming a spanish camp, and they have a lot money.
  14. Favorite ambient of 2012 (you've probably already heard them): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cbxo4ZJunVE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc5QoZbbv60 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrjoIdbz1p4
  15. I'm glad to hear it wasn't dementia. He's a bit better now, despite the drinking? I have uncle who has a major drinking problem. He lost half of his arm back in the 80's, in a machine accident (luck is not something generally associated with my family) . So I can understand that life isn't always so easy for him. But he is like getting shit-faced every single day. It's really sad to witness.
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