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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. The choice of music in that trailer is fucking horrible. Anyway... I'm really interested in this. Thematically 'cyperpunk' of course did go out of fashion in the 90's. But as the big dork that I am, I fucking miss it. So it's nice to see when someone revisiting it. Deus EX: HR also did this, maybe it's starting to get more popular again, I don't know (I hope so). Another one is that Syndicate FPS game. I saw at a store really cheap the other day. Has anyone played it/is it worth picking up?
  2. NoooOOO000ooo WAAJJIiiiAAiiaai Noooooooo WAAAIJJJJeeeIIIIIIJIJIIiiiiii
  3. Is it just me, or this january transfer-window much quieter than usual? I know the transfers only really gets going towards the end. But I don't read/hear about as many rumors as usual.
  4. I really like this mix: http://soundcloud.com/fadermedia/jacques-greene-fader-mix/s-IkiHS
  5. Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Disk Drive Smashing Napkins A Guy That's Sterile Neutered Milk Brothel Quran Quran Quran Duran Duran, why the fuck am I repeating myself man? Bruce Bling-Queen Kid Cock The Herpaliser Kendrick Lama Of Camden, New Jersey
  6. The creator of the show most have tourettes or something.
  7. Yes, I'm sure that's why. I've never had any trouble with series with english, or no subtitles before. I've started on the second season. And I'm just not that into it. I thought I was really going to love it, since it's western themed and it had gotten so much praise everywhere. Funny how they thought using the word cocksucker would give the dialogue more impact on modern audiences, and set a tone for the series. And yet they use it in almost every sentence so it completely loses any form of impact. It also kind of kills the sense of time, when they're using these modern swear words. Not a great idea in my opinion.
  8. Well... That is a weird one. I don't really consider it a 'traditional' Scorsese movie. And I didn't particualry enjoy it either. I'm a big fan of his (kind of a fanboy to be honest). But I don't love everything he's made. Raging Bull for example, is just one big snorefest to me. Despite also having DiCaprio as the protagonist (he's just not that great of a actor, but he gets the job done), Gangs Of New York is another one I think that's pretty under appreciated. I fucking love that movie.
  9. this looks amazing. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100772/ Another one:
  10. Yes.. The Aviator is brilliant. Even though I really don't like Di DiCaprio. But Scorsese movies are always a blast.
  11. I don't know if this might make me sound slightly retarded. But am I the only who doesn't understand what people are talking about in Deadwood half of the time? Maybe it's just my english skills that are not good enough, and I should probably have bought it with my own languages subtitles. But what a bunch of gibberish most of the time. And the swearing.. I feel like I hear the word cocksucker every 30th second. I don't mind profane language, but it's just a bit much in this show, which makes it a bit silly.
  12. This is probably not giving me an invitation to the watmm-cool-crowd. But I'm giving The Hobbit a 8/10 because I was thoroughly entertained by it. Is the 2D version only 24fps btw?
  13. I would break up with her, for doing something so embarrassing. Did she force you to try them on in front of all you're friends as well?
  14. If I ever saw anyone playing that on a bus or something.. I might have to dickslap them in the face.
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