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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. We need to nuke the bottom of the sea.
  2. I just ordered this pretty little thing
  3. Eff Jimmy Kimmel. But this was quite fun I thought. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6t-EjrtD3U&feature=player_embedded
  4. *tries to cum on floor, but hits ceiling instead*
  5. Syndicate is fun but short. It isn't all to memorable but playable for sure. I ended up buying it, and started playing it. The shooting is actually a lot of fun. But other than that, it doens't seem to have much going for it. the whole 'breach' system is not a particularly fun mechanic. And that's a problem, since the whole the game seem to revolve around it.
  6. Maybe it's just a little brother thing?... But I think I'm done ever doing anything nice for him again (über drama mode on). I should probably also mention having a car in Denmark, is crazy expensive compared to other countries. But I'm lucky that there's reasonable student 'financial aid' here (not sure what to call it in english). So I can't really complain too much. But the fact that he won't share the car, will make my everyday life way harder that it could have been. That bothers me so much.
  7. lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR6KjNmN2BA
  8. I hate to say this.. But my brother is massive dick. Back when he was younger and was in school. He had a drivers licenses, but didn't have a car. I let him borrow my car all the time.. And i mean ALL THE FUCKING TIME. And he only payed for gas, every once in a while Now the tables turned. and I've lost my job and decided to pursue another education. So I'm going to have live on very little money, from what I've been used to. And I have to sell my car. In the meantime he has also brought a car. But he won't agree to share it now (split costs, I pay half, which he never did). Even though it's just in his garage in everyday, and he only uses it for the weekend. And I don't think I'll be able to have part time job without a car, because I live a long way from the school. Seriously.. what a egotistical little cunt. I hate to use those words on my family. But I had it with his fucking attitude. I have countless of other examples of him doing such egotistical things. I can't think of a person on the earth I'm more sick of. He's always been such a spoiled little brat.
  9. Not 'transfer related'. But Guardiola is closing in on Bayern Münich. http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/en/guardiola-apparently-to-bayern/news/anzeigen_110780.html
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPPnVwOXKE0&feature=player_embedded aaawww
  11. I once played a 2562 and Shackleton track at a party, and was told it sounded like Safri Duo I also received comments like the music I put on sounded like something that would be played at a "fancy-pantsy" art-gallery. I've stopped playing/requesting music at parties, because I always have to hear so many weird comments about it, and it's annoying me to honest. Even if I try to play something that's not niche or "weird". Maybe I just have fucking weird/awful music taste, and I need to accept that. But it's amazing how closed-minded some people are to music they've haven't heard on the TV or Radio. I think probably a lot of us watmmers deal with the same thing. I don't really share my music for the same reasons you said. Not many people have an open mind enough to understand it... They just equate different with bad. Their loss! I could understand if you played the IDUMZ at a party people wouldn't like it. And you would probably also be pretty fucking retarded if you did play that. But I've even tried like Daft Punk's Revolution 909. I thought that would be something almost everybody likes, since it's Daft Punk and they're pretty popular. But even that was too weird for people... I need to move... Whining about people not liking the same music as me on the internet
  12. I once played a 2562 and Shackleton track at a party, and was told it sounded like Safri Duo I also received comments like the music I put on sounded like something that would be played at a "fancy-pantsy" art-gallery. I've stopped playing/requesting music at parties, because I always have to hear so many weird comments about it, and it's annoying me to honest. Even if I try to play something that's not niche or "weird". Maybe I just have fucking weird/awful music taste, and I need to accept that. But it's amazing how closed-minded some people are to music they've haven't heard on the TV or Radio.
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