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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. I was getting sick of Assassins Creed (like everyone else) after Revelations. But I really enjoyed AC3, one of my favorites games this year. I especially loved the setting of the game. A lot of people are complaining about the intro of the game, because it's too slow. I don't agree with that at all, the intro was fucking awesome. It's more of the same, yes. but I thought it was just as fun as AC2. But it is another game that suffers from having a bad protagonist. He just has absolutely no personality.
  2. I just completed Far Cry 3 tonight.. And now it's my turn to complain about bad video game endings: But I really enjoyed the open world stuff in this game. I wish there where more bases for me to takeover, now that I've completed it. That part alone is worth playing it for.
  3. New years eve was again a miserable experience this year. Way too many drunken idiots everywhere. Or maybe I'm just miserable.. I don't know. But fuck new years eve... seriously.
  4. Really fucking cheesy.. But these tracks just overwhelms me with nostalgia. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_i7gzv6eb4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHaHhqR-vww http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roDGqGH2jtQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgfSbZ7p-qU
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSXwWZ2SFw4&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TXdvOdvJeM&list=UUpMxQwgsfbkCewdwoy89x-g&index=3
  6. Has anyone played Spec Ops: The Line? I keep hearing in a lot of podcasts, that it has a lot of interesting things going on, even though it just looks like a very generic third shooter. I don't regret saving the Geth (and losing all the quarians). I regret saving the Korgans. Fuck the Korgans, and fuck Liara. Liara I never loved you, you're boring. I just wanted my achievement. If you guys haven't tried it I highly suggest the Leviathon DLC. I'm looking forward to a second playthrough of it, with all the DLC.
  7. I didn't say it doesn't matter.. I actually said that I liked the ending. I was commenting on the level of bitching and moaning that it has created. edit: oh.. you edited that.
  8. I thought the ending was quite awesome until the little boy appeared (and the credits scene was so cheesy). But people are forgetting how awesome the rest of the game was, because of all the controversy. But I've already spent so much energy defending it... so fuck it. Whiners gonna whine. What I've learned from this, is that most the gaming community is bunch of pathetic entitled little babies. shit, most of the time I play games the ending is about 10% of the overall experience...by the end of a game Im just waiting to see if I get any extra goodies at the end or next playthrough. I understand people want a good narrative, but chrissakes what about the gameplay that made you love it in the first place? Yeah. The ending controversy has been blow out of proportions. The gameplay was so much fun. Seriously one the most fun singleplayer experiences I've ever had, because of the awesome combat. And I haven't heard anyone discuss the choices you had to make about the genophage or geths/quarians in the game. That stuff was so awesome. Nope.. it's all about the ending. It's driving me nuts.
  9. I am ready for games to looks this good: http://kotaku.com/5961994/what-skyrim-looks-like-when-youre-running-100-mods-at-once edit: wtf happened to Kotaku by the way? That website has turned shit.
  10. I thought the ending was quite awesome until the little boy appeared (and the credits scene was so cheesy). But people are forgetting how awesome the rest of the game was, because of all the controversy. But I've already spent so much energy defending it... so fuck it. Whiners gonna whine. What I've learned from this, is that most the gaming community is bunch of pathetic entitled little babies.
  11. Still haven't got rid of the Alva Noto one? Nope :) Do you wanna buy?
  12. I've bought music cds twice many times before.. I've had: 2x Biosphere - Substrata 2x Alva Noto + Ryuichi Sakamoto - Insen 2x Autechre - Draft 7.30 2x Ceephax - Volume One 2x Ceephax - Volume Two (luckily I've sold most of them again)
  13. I'm starting to think Compson might actually be Karl Pilkington.
  14. I've been playing Far Cry 3 a lot the last couple of days. And it's ridiculously fun. I especially enjoy the base takeover part of the game. My only complaint about it, is that the environment all looks very similar. I know there's not that much you can do with a island setting, but I've would have loved some more variations in the setting. It's not particularly fun exploring in the game. But I haven't reached the second island yet, so hopefully that will be a bit different.
  15. Exactly. My grandpa (her father) died of lung cancer 3 years ago. So I was almost certain she had it as well. I've been in a very depressive mood these last couple of weeks. But what a relief it is to find out it's not cancer.
  16. My mother does NOT have cancer. It was just something with her spleen, not sure how to explain it in english. I'm so happy today
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