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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. I'm all for it. It's when they try to put that on something with pizza sauce that the guillotines get sharpened
  2. This is out and so far I definitely dig I also really like these new Baroness tracks
  3. Whenever I see the brand DKNY anywhere, my brain says “dick knee”
  4. I just tried raw oysters for the first time like 5 minutes ago. Seafood always seems perverted but strangely healthy.
  5. I like the end of a cold where you hack up green stuff. Always a satisfying purge, like alleviating blue balls of the sinuses
  6. There are certain Zeppelin songs I don't care about hearing again, like Rock and Roll. But they had so many good songs.
  7. So my mom's neighbor's house burned down. I guess the flames came sort of close but nothing bad happened to her house. She sent me the pic of the neighbor's house in a full blazing inferno. I texted back saying "glad nothing bad happened" and then Burning Down The House! with a pic of David Byrne in the big suit.
  8. I’d rather eat a lobster roll than crack open a whole lobster.
  9. I use corn husks and moss to wipe after taking a bison shit. I find the coverage and absorbency to be rather luxurious for life on the prairie.
  10. I don’t keep in touch with anyone.
  11. I just ate some of that, and I’m sitting in a posh bar in Northampton, MA. I’m about to eat some mussels and fries with a nice Belgian ale.
  12. A concept album about The Price Is Right
  13. I think we need Democrats in office and we need to stay politically engaged. It’ll be easier to improve things when we’re not being held hostage by a rogue political party who’s been pretending Trump isn’t retarded for about 3 years now.
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