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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. I tried watching the movie The Dark Crystal and had to stop after like 10 minutes because it was so wack
  2. It means he wants Barr to declassify only things that make people investigating him, or people from the Obama administration look bad. He's trying to say they committed treason by investigating his very real nefarious activity. But he has no idea what he's yanking on. FVEY means five eyes alliance, the intelligence communities between the US, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand who work closely together and have tight cooperation. Basically, he thinks he can have Barr pull a spin-job on reams of classified information much like he did "summarizing" Mueller's report, but this is a whole different beast that can seriously bite them back. It's reckless and desperate.
  3. The blue part is the sea, and it is calling me back... I live in the Greater Boston area. But I need to move the fuck outta here and be roommate free, shit is wack.
  4. I have a good feeling about this one. So far it looks like he's toning down the cartoonishness that he's gone overboard with. I really did not like The Hateful Eight, and thought it was by far his worst film. I mean, even Death Proof had a really great chase scene at the end that justified the rest of the movie.
  5. Assange nabbed on an 18 count indictment, including espionage. Wouldn’t you be panicking if you had dealings with him? Like if you were Trump or worked on his campaign?
  6. Alabama is okay with inter species relations, as long as they ain’t the gays
  7. Inland Empire, not one of my faves. It’s everything that can go wrong with Lynch, if you ask me. Most of his other stuff, even when it leaves you scratching your head is at least entertaining/intriguing. Blue Velvet, Wild At Heart, and Mulholland Drive are excellence. Lost Highway is pretty cool.
  8. I dunno if he completely napalm deathed them, he just dismembered their bullshit talking points in a well written, concise thread. Let’s hope the GOP cannibal corpses itself, imo
  9. Not gonna lie, I never even knew about the My Content thing, but it sounds nice and my newfound appreciation for the red alerts is well placed imo
  10. I just saw a squirrel get pushed out of a tree by another squirrel. This country is so fucking divided.
  11. I am jealous. I would see the shit out of Mgła.
  12. I’ll be 32 next month and my nose hair is flourishing
  13. Andrew Johnson fucked up the reconstruction era by not making the traitors pay, the way I see it.
  14. If Roe VS Wade gets overturned and all the dumb states pull an Alabama/Georgia in celebration, won’t it just create a huge brain drain and fuck up their economies even more? It seems like it would just make a big portion of the US go full third world.
  15. Anyone tried Maynard's wine? If I saw it at the store, I'd buy it. I've bought Francis Ford Coppola's wine. He made The Godfather 1+2, Apocalypse Now. Of course I have to try that fucking wine.
  16. The Exorfist Close Encounters Of The Herd Kind Gland Of Brothers Scatwoman
  17. I enjoyed it for the most part, just don’t let anyone tell you it’s realistic. Lol. I knew the two main actors were really good but after I finished the series I watched an interview with both of them and I was like damn these motherfuckers can ACT
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