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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. I mean I wasn’t crazy about Hillary Clinton but I was more than happy to vote for her knowing it was one vote against Trump. It’s that simple.
  2. I highly recommend 1:1 THC:CBD chocolate bars.
  3. Bernie's campaign set up the weak ass hitjob on Biden, and Tulsi Gabbard is more of a Republican in disguise than any of the Dem establishment candidates.
  4. Joe Biden, without announcing he’s even running, is polling as fucking kryptonite for Trump in 2020. Focus, people. He’s not grabbing pussies.
  5. Nah, how? seemed like a fairly realistic depiction of where Britain, Israel, the USA, and Australia's refugee policies has/is leading towards. The nationalist propaganda, squalid refugee camps, and hints at state orchestrated terrorist attacks. Oh yeah, ok. I read it as “it aged horribly” and I thought, “I like that movie though”
  6. I finally watched The Revenant last night and I still feel like I have several layers of skin ripped off. Sucks to be that French dude.
  7. It's full on shirts vs. skins, dude, and you're the ref, man. Brother O was a wafting tuft of patchouli, whereas angry Don is the pink sludge flowing beneath the streets in Ghostbusters 2. It's time to pick your side people. You wanna be a horse riding, hippy dippy bibio fan, or a gun toting mustachioed Nazi, riding a razorback blood spurting warthog into the apocalyptic nuclear sunset blast. I want to be a mediocre Elvis impersonator, snorting lines in a hot air balloon with Bobcat Goldthwait over the Grand Canyon with Motley Crüe blaring out of speakers.
  8. Yes, just succumb to the idiocracy and drink that delicious fracking water. It has electrolytes!
  9. Sheathe, you sound like you are blaming people for pointing out all the reasons Trump sucks who also realize he hasn’t been impeached because of how corrupt the GOP is by tying the fate of their party to him and using him as a distraction to force through the most extreme and most damaging form of their agenda because this is their last stand.
  10. Y'all really want E.T's glooo000 finger in yo butt. Y'all some sick imbeciles
  11. all music is electronic, but this cover is tasty, best new freckle
  12. I think when you live in a Scandinavian country, your life has so little stress that some kids get bored and make up their own little war to fight.
  13. Of course McConnell doesn’t want it released. He was briefed about Russian officials helping Trump’s campaign in summer 2016 and wanted to make it a partisan issue if Obama made a statement on it.
  14. This was Barr's "summary" of the report, the guy who wrote an op-ed saying the President can't be indicted and who covered up Iran Contra. Trump picked him for a reason. If he tries to sweep the report under the rug, which he seems to be doing so far, it'll get leaked and the other stuff Mueller handed off is out there anyway. All signs point to Barr being back on his bullshit here.
  15. If you stop for a few months you only need the daintiest of hit to feel like the astronaut on the cover of Sleep’s The Sciences.
  16. I think the report is a basically a huge treasure map to the entire department of justice, where there is treasure(obvious criminal activity, indictments) every direction you want to go in. But we shall see.
  17. From what I understand, the real story of Norwegian Black Metal isn’t that sexy. It was a bunch of nerds who got bored and did some stupid shit. They made some cool music though
  18. Slicker than a rhinoceros wrapped in sandpaper. Smoother than a porcupine climbing a barbed wire fence. If you meet these incredibly low standards of slickness and smoothness, you got something going for you
  19. I have to admit, I started to watch season 4 a couple of years ago and had to quit after maybe 3 episodes. It wasn't happening.
  20. https://www.sfgate.com/sports/article/Jake-Phelps-editor-Thrasher-mag-dead-skateboarding-13690148.php Jake Phelps, the editor of Thrasher Magazine has died. Weird dude, but he made cool things happen.
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