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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. That title tho: “The Rape Of Two Cory’s”. dat Dickensian aspect tho
  2. That “oooh now I wish it would rain” track with Eric Clapton on guitar fuckin smokes. Billy Don’t Lose My Number and Something Happened On The Way To Heaven both fuckin slap
  3. Well you have to hand it to him, he’s said a lot of silly shit.
  4. I understand what you mean, but after watching the debate it’s kind of hard to spin it into a win for Peterson. It seemed like he’s giving up, tbh
  5. I didn't know this, he was a good lad
  6. I've become unpleasantly annoyed with becoming unpleasantly annoyed. This is all very unpleasant, and I have come to find it rather annoying, imho
  7. Meghan Markle causes a bit of a stir in the Royal Family after a prolific streak of waffle stomping in all the royal showers. After a lengthy internal investigation within the family as well as Markle and Prince Harry, suspects are eliminated one by one. A complex plot to relocate them and have them both cloned and replicated begins to materialize, with help from foreign “allies” with sinister motives. This is further complicated by her pregnancy as well as documented sightings of dead historical figures in various cities and remote locations across the globe. Directed by Ridley Scott
  8. JP can sound reasonable when he stays in his lane as a psychologist. When he tries stuff like this, it’s like watching a field mouse get eaten by an owl. Maybe this is his way of tapping out, since he’s probably been a tool of Prager U and the Heritage Foundation for a couple years, which does seem bloody demanding. It’s a dragon of chaos!
  9. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/ Trump's approval rating has barely wavered for basically his entire presidency. It's going to take a lot fucking more than 'getting attacked by the dems' (how he'll spin it to his supporters) trying to impeach him, or even actually impeaching him. Or testimony from people who had to defend him publicly. Now they finally have to admit how much they lied for him about really stupid shit or vital national security related shit.
  10. I think they want to lower Trump’s approval rating a bit more first by having Mueller testify publicly as well as other people. It worked on Nixon, and he was actually really fucking smart.
  11. Arugula, prosciutto, and mushroom on a thin crust pizza. I just ate a piece of margherita and a piece of sausage and ricotta.
  12. Forreal guys, that unrelenting pattern of suspicious fuckery where they were in constant contact with Russian intelligence officials wasn’t “no collusion”. Especially when they lied about it 100000000 times. Manafort will die in prison for lying about it for fucks sake. I don’t think they were trading casserole recipes. Some people are letting the despair porn get the better of them methinks.
  13. His tax returns will be even more revealing, which is weird.
  14. All those tech bro CEOs think they have the right to perform these little experiments on the public in a manifest destiny sort of way. They should all be drawn and quartered tbh
  15. I don’t drink soda usually but I recently had this pineapple cream soda that blew my fuckin mind
  16. The Englishman Who Went Up A Hill But Came Down A Mountain
  17. I don't think I'll ever be on board with the cricket thing until we are truly post-apocalyptic.
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