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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. Page after page of debate and yet pineapple on pizza is still delicious and and an extremely high-brow, esoteric culinary experience for those who know the score.
  2. He's just trying to cause a little bit of social unrest before going to prison, along with much of his family. I think most of us can relate.
  3. I really loved season 3. It got surprisingly spooky, and yeah V.M. Varga was unstoppably evil and just WTF. The parallels between this and current events rang true to the point where it was scary and really kicked it up a notch.
  4. Stranga Tings Raking, sad Graze Anatomy
  5. 7 Months in and he's already a lame duck. If you can't start a race war, start a real one so the media doesn't focus on you being a foreign agent/traitor who extorts the secret service for golf cart rentals while pocketing the money. And if you get bored, bring up Hillary again because god forbid she wins that 2016 presidential race next year.
  6. I do agree about non-violence being the best way forward at this juncture. The women's march was so successful not just because of the huge numbers but how few incidents there were despite them. When I was at Boston Common on saturday, I thought the police were all being pretty reasonable and never got any kind of authoritarian vibe from them. A lot of them even have a sense of humor, joking around with protesters and stuff. But some people will get protest blueballs if they don't have footage of them pouring milk on their face to post on instagram or something.
  7. Everyone knows real people don't act like Alex Jones, he's playing a character. The coffee was a nice gesture, I thought.
  8. There were going to be a lot of alt-right characters there, but they dropped out mid week. I think they knew how well they would be received in Boston, a city chock full of non white people that are more successful than they are. That plus Massachusetts' strict gun laws takes away the intimidation factor. They'd be unarmed surrounded by a lot of pissed off people whose very existence proves them wrong. They had no choice but to bitch out. A couple of actual Nazis got chased away and escorted away by the police though.
  9. Pence may very well be fucked. He oversaw the transition and knew all about Flynn, since he was warned by Sally Yates and Elijah Cummings, at least. There's definitely other stuff, too. He's just being relatively quiet because he's not Trump. Also, he stood by Trump's latest comments on Charlottesville, fucking idiot.
  10. He knows he's fucked by the investigations so he's trying to start a civil war/race war as a way of kicking and screaming. When the North Korea thing doesn't pan out, go to plan B: encouraging the Nazis.
  11. It was, first of all because it was in and around a fort. with wine, coffee and (craft) beer bars and ridiculous amounts of quality food stands all over, but there was also part of the fort used as a cinema (with proper movies too) and an 'ambient lodge' with drone, noise and (dark) ambient acts playing while you could lay on couches. There were also a few ("secret") corridors inside the fort you could walk through, some that had art exhibitions too. There was also a nice small river next to the campsite, so we could just dive in there every morning if we were able to. Also it was like an hour drive from the ossuary in Kutna Hora, the most kvlt metal approved place to visit, so we also went to that on the way home. Yeah, never heard anything from them before, but it was really good live (as far as I can remember...), so I'll have to check out their stuff soon. I went to Sedlec Ossuary a few months ago. It was the gnarliest. Then I went to Dačický and ate some wild boar goulash. It was proper.
  12. So... the Nazis have the moral high ground because they had a permit? We need Mueller to take the fucking trash out. Now.
  13. Well if you're finding any comedy in what he's doing now, feel free to point it out to the rest of us. Otherwise, enjoy the schadenfreude because it's being served fresh. And if i don't it changes what? I enjoy watching regardless if it's comedic or not and don't embrace clues for right-wing neo-nazi edgelord mass murderer etc. You seem especially commited, notice how often you post here lately and how little it differs every time. I guess I'm just committed to pointing out when people are being absolute garbage. He seems excited about innocent people standing up for themselves getting murdered or seriously injured. Why is he worth defending?
  14. Well if you're finding any comedy in what he's doing now, feel free to point it out to the rest of us. Otherwise, enjoy the schadenfreude because it's being served fresh.
  15. Nah I think he's off the deep end and dark times lay ahead.
  16. I think he may be on a self destructive downward spiral. This could be pretty morbidly fascinating.
  17. Academical Romance Balls Out Boy Scubastank Spam of God Ipswich Engage
  18. It's so easy to stay out of trouble. I think of all kinds of heinous, grotesque shit but I'm not out there BBQing people. I bet that guy who crashed his car into the crowd just wishes he stayed home and ordered a pizza or something.
  19. I just dug out my ipod classic and took it for a spin with the usb thing in my car and it was the business. There was something strangely liberating about an ipod chock full of fresh crispy pirated tunes, the open road, the wind in your hair, on the run from the fuzz with nothing left to lose. Trust no one.
  20. Better Call Saul season 3 was well done and Michael Mckean is a great actor but, like, when's he gonna be Saul
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