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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. That’s what passes for “political views” in the US now. I have a rational for a Republican friend who brought up the Uranium One Deal and Mueller bringing a sample of uranium to Russia so I laid down the facts. He was like “I dunno man, I dunno what’s real anymore.” I consider it progress.
  2. https://mobile.twitter.com/JYSexton/status/930299642646007809
  3. Hologram Hos Fractal Fucks Geometric G Spot Meta-Wank Cosmocum
  4. Dealy Stan Derek and the Papa John’s Jethro Krull Emerson, Arnold Palmer Bawastun
  5. Any kind of interest, creative tendencies, or skill that doesn't fit into the curriculum will be crushed under the weight of the system with cold, indifferent certainty.
  6. I saw a friend on Facebook express admiration for Putin. He also retweets links from RT and thinks Russia "gets shit done". Like, dude... Putin based an entire intel op around you being a gullible rube, and it worked better than he intended. This does not reflect well on you.
  7. I love Ted Lieu. He gives precisely zero fucks.
  8. Necroticism is my favorite. The perfect blend of filth and composition.
  9. They are indeed fucked. We were right to be worried but it’s going to end up looking like one giant sting operation when all is said and done. Our allies’ intel communities have helped out a lot too.
  10. It's not the pee that he's worried about. It's the underage girls.
  11. No, he’s saying there are real tapes that Mueller and his team have seen. There also also a lot of fake once spread to intelligence officials to intentionally muddy the waters and make people not trust that the real ones are real.
  12. Up In Sinclair Furnace Hemingway Dank L Bomb
  13. Johnny Curren$y Phil Calls In War In Zevon Tom Pets Me Cause Bee Wine Stain
  14. Pineapple blunts before a pineapple pizza on a tropical island covered in pineapples. God is a pineapple.
  15. What if some of the most beloved actors were pedos? The mere thought sends chills down the spine. Such treachery. It would shake modern culture to its core yo
  16. 12:32 AM eastern standard time, it's indictment day, baby.
  17. Stouts.... I find bad stouts less forgiving than a mediocre IPA or lager etc. But good ones are divine. I've heard this before. The only stout I've ever actually enjoyed was Old Rasputin but I think someone told me that's not really a stout. Old Rasputin is a damn fine imperial stout mah dawg. I really like sour beers these days. The flavor is psychedelic and earthy but it's light and refreshing. Pricey though.
  18. If pedos are diddling it up with reckless abandon all over Hollywood, I think we should probably get to the bottom of it.
  19. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-charges-source/first-charges-filed-in-russia-probe-led-by-u-s-special-counsel-source-idUSKBN1CX02C Shhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttt
  20. My so-called brother in law is a heroin addict, but he went to jail for a while and is on a restraining order. He stole tons of things from my mom and sister and pawned off my sister's wedding ring a week before my nephew was born. He is currently bouncing child support checks.
  21. Guess Who's Cumming To Dinner Deep Blue Cumming Bukkake at Tiffany's Gnar Whales
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