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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. I bet he's going to try to fly to a country with no extradition to the U.S.
  2. This might be what you are seeking
  3. I saw this dude live last night and he was really hyper. I hadn't even listened to him much before the show but I was totally pumped from start to finish.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BK_KTX5FJw
  5. 2 blaq 4 iPhone X PartII: Tha Mixtape
  6. This show doesn't really need a second season. Or it should just be a completely different story, like Fargo and True Detective. I'd rather not see these kids anymore TBH
  7. I really like the first season of this. It was well paced and a pretty good story in its own right. The next two seasons have their moments, sure, but it feels artificially slowed down so they can fit one season of content into two seasons. There was also a major drop-off in the humor that any story involving Saul requires. It sucked the life right out of the show. It's like they established his character so perfectly in the first season and then completely forgot. There was so much dead air that could have actually been entertaining. Honestly, you could probably skip the second season altogether and the third wouldn't be confusing at all, because not much really changed. I was also just really sick of Chuck as a character even though the actor did a great job.
  8. Paul Ryan knew about the RNC accepting dirty Russian money. Remember the whole "That's how you know we're a family" thing? After Paul Ryan, it's Orrin Hatch. Who knows? Too many people in the line of succession are compromised. The whole GOP should just be fucking eliminated, since it's not exactly a mystery what their endgame is anymore. That's another thing, there are all of these seemingly sensible people who still call themselves republicans, but I think they're just imagining a political party that doesn't exist. They just like the "republican" brand.
  9. I'm starting to appreciate the majesty of Neurosis.
  10. Cosmo Grandma I Scare Because Voodoo Royal trukQs Eggsai Tomorrow's Garnish
  11. Captor - Lay It To Rest Death/thrash that kicks ass all over the place
  12. All the Supreme in the world won't fill that debilitating void in your soul, fam.
  13. It's really a damned-if-we-do-damned-if-we-don't scenario innit Nah, Pence is fucked too. He ignored the warnings about Flynn while he oversaw the transition. Flynn being a foreign agent in the way he was happened to be the whole point of him being hired. Manafort also tricked Trump into hiring him as VP.
  14. Barb Darlin' Tommy Pet and the Heartsquishers Nicky Steves Stevie Ponder
  15. I doubt it will come out on dvd/bluray for a year. It's worth it to sign up for a Showtime Anytime trial and binge it for free since the finale is next week. But yes it's definitely one of the best thing's Lynch has done. Inland Empire is strong in this one, though. Very strong, I'd say. Ah I haven't watched any of this yet and that sucks to hear. I rank that one next to Dune, Alan Smithee version. Twin Peaks s1 and 2 were like solid Blue Velvet/Mulholland Dr. territory.
  16. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/28/us/politics/trump-tower-putin-felix-sater.html?smid=tw-share probably because I copied and pasted from an incognito window oh well
  17. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/28/us/politics/trump-tower-putin-felix-sater.html?smid=tw-share And there will be more direct evidence, too. And then some other shit.
  18. Nick Rochefort was underrated, though. He could have actually been a cool character actor like Harry Dean Stanton or some grizzled mofo like that. If I were a director, I'd give him a cameo as a world weary bartender offering blunt but profound advice or something.
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