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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. It didn't seem too long to me. It cruised right by on a cloud of lush. The scene with the Elvis hologram didn't seem as iconic as the director probably thought it was but overall I just can't knock this movie too much. It done good.
  2. Yeah, Mueller will question Sessions about it soon. He's working his way up the chain. Already got Rinse Penis and Spicer.
  3. amazing ! how long did he played ? I don’t remember how long exactly, but the weird thing was that he was the opener for Protomartyr, who were much less exciting.
  4. I give it a B+. It didn't ruin the original and even captured the same vibe. Best Harrison Ford role since Gran Torino.
  5. After reading the text in the omitted video about his, heh, experiences in high school and rants about the liberal ex-girlfriend, the psychological profile is now complete. It's weird that he hates teachers so much because I remember a lot of my high school teachers being pretty cool and woke af. They were preparing us for present times, IMO.
  6. Exhumed covering No Quarter by Led Zeppelin is 100% correct.
  7. Honestly, once it's proven how wrong they all were, it will be like America finally getting a colon cleanse after years of eating fast food.
  8. America is deeply fucked, sure. But New England is pretty lush, imo. I have New England pride. I think it’s pretty European compatible.
  9. The Black Italia Burger Stark Danquility
  10. So many different kinds of guns are legal in Nevada with open carry, too. Not one hero stepped up to the plate to "defend my family". It's almost like people are being sold an unrealistic fantasy to convince them they are empowered when it actually makes them docile and gullible.
  11. Also in that segment where the people are writing insults on cups and throwing them away: When he's talking to the Asian kid about inheriting the earth along with other "undesirables" - that's another alt right term for non whites, etc.
  12. Chadmotorfinger Baghchad Republic of Chad https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chad
  13. Breaking Chad Chad Brains Chad Religion Nick Cave & The Chad Seeds
  14. In Soviet Russia, the Goldwater Rule breaks you! *pee pee*
  15. Mellencollie and the Infinite Chadness Chad to the Bone Chaditude
  16. He's been throwing a lot of shit fits lately. My guess is he found out Manafort and possibly others have been indicted.
  17. Skylar Durden Ghost Chad QÛæreñtin TÅrentïñø
  18. Ken Burns really fucked up with the jazz documentary though. He had too much input from Stanley Crouch and Wynton Marsalis and skipped over jazz fusion, bashed Bitches Brew, etc. I think those guys are afraid that if jazz doesn't have a prim and proper image, they won't be taken seriously as black intellectuals, so they try to rewrite history to make it all museum appropriate. And that's a nice way of putting it. But jazz was always dank and dirty as fuck, read Miles' autobiography.
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