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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. I finally watched The Hateful Eight. This flick had its merits, like most of QT's, but it was probably a little too disgusting for its own good. There was a song in the beginning, I was like "what the fuck is this song doing in this movie right now?". I got the same feeling when SLJ described the revenge against the General Smithers' son and when he got his nuts blown off. Why is castration such a constant thing in Tarantino films? Nothing like castration of a main character to really fuck a movie up, ya know? The brains splattering on Jennifer Jason Leigh was a bit much. It just seems juvenile and a waste because there is some pretty good substance in the second half of the movie as well. Symbolism/race relations, etc. Even a part when Madsen's character seemed to regret that he had to kill Zoe Bell because they seemed to genuinely get along was very unspoken and just felt - weirdly enough, this was the most sincere part of the movie for me and I doubt many people noticed or cared. It's like he had all the ingredients for a really good omelet, but decided to fuck it up by adding pineapple, according to WATMM.
  2. A movie about Forrest Gump's son starring Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory where he gets arrested for killing a prostitute in an Arby's. In a pair of dark, serious, character study type roles, Andy Dick and Tommy Lee Jones will star as the nihilistic and compassionate detectives, respectively, who relentlessly pursue bringing him to justice. Cameos from Macaulay Culkin, Arsenio Hall, and Drew Carey.
  3. I mean, Roman Polanski’s family was killed in the holocaust, Manson family killed his pregnant wife, but it’s still really bad that he raped a kid.
  4. I mean, this is the pizza equivalent of racism and xenophobia. Not on my watch! *virtue signals a Hawaiian pizza*
  5. Slimy chunks of raw tuna with slimy chunks of mango in a tortilla? I mean at least the tortilla is less likely to get soggy than a pizza crust, so it's got that going for it. No, it’s a sushi burrito, so it’s literally rolled in rice and a seaweed wrap. This whole thread is misinformed tbh
  6. Tears For Fears - Songs From The Big Chair. I like the theme of overcoming lifelong trauma or at least that's what I get out of it. Most people are assholes who will judge you for being weird when you're going through major mental problems in life, even if they're considered good people. Compassion is rare and things are hard to understand. But this album gets it. And it's from the 80's and they were like 24 when they made this. They knew their shit. I'm quitting tobacco and taking a break from weed, so actual emotion is coming back.
  7. If you can put mango in a sushi burrito, you can put pineapple in it too. I think it's time for some of you to step on over to the right side of history.
  8. This is the part of the movie where things start to look up a bit before the triumphant finale and cathartic conclusion. Or is it? Tune in next season.
  9. What’s weird is that a lot of people look to Seth Abramson when he mostly just extrapolates on what other people on twitter report on. Those other people are ridiculed and called frauds but they have been surprisingly consistent. John Schindler, Counterchekist, Tea Pain, Eric Garland, and yes, Claude Taylor. Weird eh? The only real issues I can find with them is that things haven’t happened as quickly as they’ve said.
  10. One of my ways of keeping my finger on the pulse of what the idiots in this country think is looking at the MDE reddit page. They posted a podcast from our old friend Awepittance, which came out around the time Trump was elected. I came to the conclusion that Awepittance is a pretty good dude, and I shouldn't have ever made fun of him, ya know?
  11. I know now, why you cry. But it is something I can never do.
  12. I always thought Charlie Fell on Slow Forever had a much better vocal range. One of my favorite bands, either way.
  13. While watching Trump talk to the Pearl Harbor survivors and being disgusted(my grandfather was at Pearl Harbor when it was bombed), I couldn’t help but notice Trump would actually be happy in a nursing home.
  14. Hmmm the moral high ground thing might be working after all. Rep Trent Franks just got busted too. Twitter rumors of WaPo and CNN working on 20-30 members of Congress being outed.
  15. I often catch her, staring and plotting against me. Sure she'll pur here and there but I know my cat wants me dead or atleats incapacitated I caught my dog making a shiv once. Later, I found her chewing a voodoo doll of me. Such betrayal.
  16. Yeah I guess the Dems need to put their policies in the form of a fucking cartoon if that’s what it takes.
  17. Phô gettaboutit Bibim Baptizm Raining Ramen
  18. The whole Franken thing is annoying because he's resigning while Roy Moore, an actual kiddie diddler, will get elected to the senate. I donated to Doug Jones just so I could feel like I did something about it. But honestly, this whole "they go low, we go high" thing just isn't fucking working. It just allows the shittier group of people to walk all over you.
  19. Koala bears are aggressive, and smell like piss and menthol. A giraffe can decapitate you with a mighty kick. They are actually pretty dangerous. The animal kingdom fucking despises you, and wishes for nothing more than your abrupt downfall.
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