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Everything posted by chassis

  1. Nothing good here at all.
  2. Im wanking and listening to it now. mmmmmmhhmhmmmmmmmmmugnnnhghn
  3. I'd have to agree. How often do you people by fucking shoes.
  4. I get the joke, I just wanted to ruin it with logic.
  5. must be in germany - look at all those towels. But...... its a beach
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpJn5P6ECxQ&feature=player_embedded
  7. Wow, seriously? This is shit news.
  8. Actual hip hop? Theres barely any new shit floating around. Doom and all is great, but this good too. The older stuff is less applicable to me.
  9. So first - they only have validity because of the dirtiness of their lyrics - amazing. Outkast, De La Soul, Nas, Tribe, all managed to make a point without relying on dirty lyrics as a crutch. And this is not the youth of today that I know - I go to school with 30,000+ 18-21 year olds who are for the most part pretty intelligent, hard-working kids with goals in life. Finally - I love how quickly they managed to turn their "art" into a commodity. Now all of the "real" fans can say - "I had their tumblr bookmarked when they were just starting, before they went mainstream". This bullshit celebration of "youth culture" reeks of exploitation. tl;dr I'm old get off my lawn. It offers a contrast to the picesofshitprepackagedrap bit in most pops songs? Every generation has some shitty music corp offering them the music on a plate that they "should" like. Dont 'cha just like to tell them to stick it up their hole? I could give many examples but sure Punk was never world renowned for its fabulous singers now was it?
  10. You rich motherfucker. I cant afford it
  11. Is that the lunchbox thingy? I was gonna get that, till I realised Im broke.
  12. Its all about extremism. Look around you, Tylers lyrics arent exactly out of place with the rest of society.
  13. *swish* Tegan and whoevertheyare miss the point.
  14. Mate, its your channel. Host what ever you want. This thread makes me and makes me
  15. Zomby - natalia's song Squarepusher - Big Loada
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