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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. We're still on about porridge in here? Ahahahaha. My observation was noticing Joyrex started a thread for the Dunning-Kruger effect, then popping in here to see the first post at the top of the page mentioned the Dunning-Kruger effect. If the Dunning-Kruger effect were that thing where you have a stoner moment and go "whoa" that observation would have had that effect on me.
  2. Caduceus. I look for it from time to time, but have never seen it in a liquor store.
  3. Now you're spaekin' my language!
  4. I'd like to hear them break out the ol' Fender Strat, maybe throw some tasty slide licks in there.
  5. This guy's an asshole, but with occasional hilarious results. For some reason this one was killing me earlier (warning, harsh, distorted sound quality):
  6. FWP1: hair sprouting outta my earlobes. wtf. Actually noticed this happening quite a while back, but the rate at which it grows back is alarming. We're talking pube sized hairs. I shudder just typing that out. No idea exactly when this started happening. Are you 20-somethings dealing with this BS yet? FWP2: got assaulted by watmm's privacy policy/rules a couple times over and then a screen prompting me to upload files appeared. Had to overcome these obstacles in order to post this.
  7. wtf the production ideas on these are so much more interesting than their actual albums. Ah man, now I'm picturing the ultimate sounding Slayer album that never happened. Damn it.
  8. It's regular parking lot parking where you have to turn into the space that I find awkward as hell. I can never get the angle reasonable enough that I don't need to reposition myself 2-3 times to avoid damaging the car in the next space, unless it's a really spacious lot. Thought it was odd that this wasn't part of the road test. Parallel parking was a lot more intuitive for me for, but I seem to be the minority there.
  9. Haven't settled on a worthwhile plan for the day.
  10. I like the first half of Invisible quite a lot - very cool guitar part, one of Adam's most melodically satisfying in a long time. They integrated the vocals into that rather well. For the second half of the song the vocals seem disconnected from the rest of the music, like an afterthought (which I guess they are). The drumming at 7:45 is fucking unbelievable. Looking forward to hearing the studio version. Definitely tops anything off 10,000 Days.
  11. There's a band playing a couple houses over consisting of bass, drums, and sometimes vocals. As far as I can tell they play mostly classic rock covers, which I can recognize from the drum patterns, which are fairly spot on. You can tell however that the bassist has only a very vague idea of how each song goes, and the vocalist sings in whatever key he feels like regardless of what the bass is doing. I feel bad for the drummer, as he seems fairly capable and has clearly done his homework to get the songs down. They sure have been at it for a while now. Also, classic rock with no guitar is in itself quite problematic.
  12. RIP Peter Mayhew (AKA actor who played Chewie). https://variety.com/2019/film/news/peter-mayhew-dead-dies-chewbacca-star-wars-1203203816/
  13. I've always done that. I also cleanse it under the tap and proceed to suck the water from the brush to rinse my mouth out.
  14. What's up with Yek 'n' Squee's brutal "member's total reputation" scores? How is that being determined?
  15. 10 year anniversary of this thread is fast approaching. watmm pizza party meetup?
  16. They might. I unfortunately need to clear some space on my HD in order to know the truth. Foetus discog ate it all up.
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