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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. That's a really terrible job offer. I don't imagine many people would last more than a couple weeks before realizing they'd made a huge mistake and quitting. It's an alright deal if you're already bedridden I suppose.
  2. lol that vid prompts a gag reflex for me. Salmonella heaven.
  3. DJ Piss for Blood p good dj tbqh.
  4. I was! And still am, but I walked back to the cabin after Scott 4 finished. I could go back however and bring a pillow this time. The jizz blobs disappeared like magic as soon as I went back inside, which was p cool. The next S Walker album is taking fucking forever to download so... I'll have to interrupt that listening venture with something else or listen to the banality of mother nature - that wretched whore. Fallen on hard times here.
  5. Didn't think to bring a pillow to rest my head on as I recline on this here hammock, and I don't feel like walking back to my cabin to grab it. Furthermore, the sun shines so brightly I can hardly see my screen as I write this so it's probably riddled with typos. Also wtf is up with all the tiny jizz blobs on my screen? This is bullshit.
  6. Jesus man, that is so fucked up. Hope it doesn't happen. But otherwise... move to Canada?
  7. Haha I'm feeling pretty good about that. I'm glad Leeb's still doing his thing after all this time, but hearing anybody else's voice in his place is welcome... especially if it's something ridiculous like this. FLA always took itself too seriously. I mean, that had it's place, but I think now's a good time for a wtf moment.
  8. Pizza benedict, or pizza bukkake?
  9. Doesn't enjoying food from non-white cultures break the code of white supremacy?
  10. Aye, that song's great. Nice to hear the 50's coming back in style. I just sent my band a total doowop bastardization demo. Perhaps it's timely. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBRCvVpknvg This is how I want to view America.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSQeqk5YzbM&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1qp73aNfI_Dj1acqxKfdad9wjk2UTrwucRi2aybZBXGjv86eiAdR0ONJE
  12. Egg ghost scared of its own tiddies is really something.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6wl-EyhXl0
  14. RIP Dick Dale. https://consequenceofsound.net/2019/03/dick-dale-dead/?fbclid=IwAR2I8slgJtzVaxEoygd_51APV0JzQ4UldTVFqHeVQLVX5aU1-XNBMVlGv3o
  15. So they just keep slapping until one has had enough? Also, there should be a no beard rule for a sport like that. Direct hand to skin contact I feel is an important factor.
  16. I can either listen to NTS a third time, or go through an entire discography of some artist that's been on my "check out" list for eons. Damnit, Sean, why u gotta b liek dis.
  17. Good thinking. If only I'd known 12 hours sooner.
  18. I poured juice into a glass that, unbeknownst to me, already contained water. Now I'm drinking watery juice.
  19. Post-shower epiphany: both people I know who grew up on farms are named Jamie. All thoughts are observations.
  20. Bloodbath is excellent. On the music for violent people point, there was that one Australian serial killer who recorded audio of his... work, which was always had Live's Throwing Copper album playing in the background. So in conclusion, Live - Throwing Copper is the music that best inspires violent psychopaths. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsJ4O-nSveg So brvtal.
  21. Haha that's awesome. His Maynard impression in the intro section is pretty spot on.
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