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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I have shaky hands, so when I look at that thing all I see is slitting my own throat.
  2. FWP: just realized the other day how expensive disposable razors are and decided I'm not okay with it. Despite shaving since age ~17, I'd never taken note of how much a pack of razors costs until the other day when I decided to pop into the shop with just a $20 bill on my person, expecting it to be $15 tops. Apparently it's more than double that! Who knew? I didn't. Anyway, It's obviously way more economical to just buy a really high end electric razor... IF there is such a thing as one that actually gets a smooth shave. The ones I've used always leave a couple mm of stubble. Does anyone know if this ideal electric razor exists, or do I just need to suck it up and squander the last of my life savings into disposable razors?
  3. Nah, everyone under 25 needs to get what's coming to them. In fact, you should have reported the ones who weren't vaping too, just to make a point.
  4. Had a similar experience the other day while driving. I was actually speeding myself, maybe 70km in a 50 zone, which apparently wasn't fast enough for the pickup truck behind me. So get this - he tries to pass me using the bike lane(!!) AND there was another lane to my left he could have used... though I guess he was afraid he'd miss his chance to turn, since the the corner was coming up. I moved further to the right, forcing him to slow down and wait his goddamn turn. First time anyone's ever tried to pull that shit on me. Super dangerous and unnecessary. He would have had to slam on his brakes to make the turn safely had I let him past.
  5. Black Mirror seems to have lost its edge. The first two episodes failed to throw me into a bleak despair. They were almost pleasant, in the most disappointing way. Video not related.
  6. Second half of Aerosmith's Night in the Ruts album is basically Led Zeppelin. Also, just noticed a squashed dead fly that's stuck to the top corner, bottom half of my lap top that's presumably been there all morning.
  7. I finally encountered what's popularly referred to as a "neck beard". I was delivering a Subway footlong to the gentleman in question, who indeed had a lush beard which covered only his neck. He also had a wispy moustache, strikingly incongruent with the fullness of the hair upon his neck. He lived in a basement suite too, just like the meme said he would. Anyway, he seemed like a very nice person.
  8. Should be pointed out that the RDJ review was an example of an album he rated favourably (B+).
  9. Roughly 75% of the time that I read up on album I like on Wikipedia, there's a reference to this Robert Christgau guy making some snide comment about how badly it sucks. He seems to be the universal measuring stick for bad reviews in the critical sphere. This is a thread for compiling his distain. I'll start with a watmm friendly one. Aphex Twin: Richard D. James Album [Elektra, 1996]Jungle sure has livelied up this prematurely ambient postdance snoozemeister. His latest synth tunes are infested with hypertime electrobeats that compel the tunes themselves to get a move on. And where once he settled for austere classical aura, now he cuts big whiffs of 19th-century cheese. He even sings. Hey, fella--I hear Martha Wash needs work. B+
  10. I think I'm becoming desensitized to music listening. I've heard so much and I have so many options that when I open my music folder I can't think of anything specific that I want to hear. So I'll choose something semi-random and then realize it isn't what I wanted. Been having this problem all month. I can appreciate aspects of anything, but nothing's really exciting me on that deeper level as it should.
  11. On the Clutch note - I downloaded Psychic Warfare a long time ago, and holy fuck that's a solid rock album - awesome riffs, great songwriting. Really imaginative, clever lyrics too. I started delving into their discog recently, and the couple albums that were released around the time nu-metal was popular did have a similar production treatment as a lot of nu metal stuff, but the music itself didn't really go there... maybe a small influence on the vocal delivery. I stopped listening after Pure Rock Fury since it reminded me of that period in a bad way. But their next album was 2004, which should be a safe spot to resume.
  12. The Rolling Stones of our generation. Oh shit, he's actually singing a song called generation now, I think. Weird. Summoned that.
  13. Couldn't find the SFWS&A thread. Also, not sure if my memory just embellished the "& Achievements" part of that thread title.
  14. There's three bassy sounds in this track I'm working on: 2 contra bass tracks + 1 pitched tom, all acoustic samples. I just discovered quite by accident that when I combine them to form a major triad, a harmonic one octave below the root note appears which is VERY prominent and sounds amazing. It's actually pretty spooky, as the note does note exist anywhere unless you put the 3 together. Really weird/fascinating. The pointlessness of this observation is debatable. I'll make my next one extra pointless to compensate.
  15. Dave and Martin from Depeche Mode have remarkably similar voices. Sloan is one of the few bands I can think of from the 90's onward where all 4 members share lead vocal duty. Yet they rarely have more than two part harmony. There's 3 parts briefly on the second verse of this song... I'm just posting it because it's a good song and I don't think many people outside of Canada are aware they exist (and have been cranking out albums since the early 90's). Sadly their later albums have been a lot of gloss with less creativity. No shortage of pop hooks though. Never Hear the End of It was their last great album. 30 songs, and not even a double album! She sang lead on Gigantic. probably more than that, that's just the one that immediately comes to mind. She wrote a lot less in the Pixies than I expected, considering how solid her songwriting is with the Breeders.
  16. My cabin's uncomfortably warm despite my window and door being open at 2:30am. First time since I've been here that it's been a problem at this late hour. Also, bugs everywhere thanks to the open door/window situation. I don't usually kill anything, but tonight I've been making exceptions.
  17. Tom Petty died a couple years back. I forgot and was reminded of it the other day by a podcast my friend downloaded. Thought I should mention it here in case anyone else forgot. Plus the celebrity death rate seems to have slowed in recent months. So I'm trying to keep this thread alive. I also forgot how morbid this video was. Prob the first Tom Petty song I ever heard. The mid 90's had a lot of weird/gross music vids, lots of medical/deformity/corpse themes. So this one fit in well with the era. RIP Tom Petty.
  18. This thread is a fascinating time capsule of watmm's salad days. I nominate 2006 watmm threads for Most IDM 2019.
  19. Bologna can also be spelled "baloney" or "boloney" or "balony" but not "bolony". Language is so stupid.
  20. I got my wallet/credit card out to pay my parking ticket online, but the ticket itself is no longer on my person. I tried to pay at City Hall a month ago but it happened to be on a holiday so they were closed. Oh well, I tried.
  21. SFWP just read some mice torture posts and got bummed out.
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