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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Jim Jarmusch directs a reenactment of the Mundane Everyday Occurrences thread. *oh sorry, I thought this was the "post excellent idea for films" thread.
  2. Every now and then a recording client will sing one syllable that has some crazy harmonic on it. It's very rare and always accidental, but it happens. And then I usually listen back to it on loop until the novelty wears off. But yeah, controlled overtone singing is amazing.
  3. Been avoiding the "albums recently listened to" thread because I know it will just open a whole new can of worms. If I start participating I'll get way too into it.
  4. the best thing about pizza for dinner is pizza for breakfast.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRKSOy7pcrQ&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3261X20tPRSBbixl_TlAXERWjuKT_RhFvfYcChMger1HYdpJMEZbOpPF8 Looked it up thanks to dank memes thread.
  6. Thanks bud. Got the basic song structure - beats/chords/melody/arrangement done in an hour and a half, so things look promising. Lyrics though... this part's always unpredictable.
  7. Just found out about some producer challenge contest thing, Modselektor related, with only 2 days to go before the deadline. And of course the first idea that popped into my head needs lyrics too. Ridiculous. Not sure how possible it is to conceive and produce it to its full potential within such strict time constraints, but I'm gonna try anyway.
  8. Holy moly that's a lot of meat.
  9. Cool, will check this out. Looks promising, but there's french slathered all over it. I'd watch this documentary.
  10. Come on that's a quality tune.OK but it's really quite dated. Ergo cheese. Aside from the vocal treatment, it sounds like a lot of what's trended in electronic/pop music over the last 10 years. So, dated in a way that everyone's trying to emulate now. It's the vid that brings the cheese really. Classic track.
  11. Saw an atm machine at the supermarket machine yesterday. Was pretty hilarious. FWP 2pm and still just lying in bed like a lazy sack of shit.
  12. Blue cheese really needs some sort of meat to go with it to bring out its best qualities. Otherwise it just weirds things up slightly, occasionally ruining them. In the right context tho it can really take food to the next level.
  13. There should be a word for that vertigo sensation that occurs when you have so many tabs open that it overwhelms you. I guess it could just be referred to as vertigo. Maybe with "tab-" preceding it. Tab-vertigo. Ugh I can't even look at the top of my browser right now.
  14. anytime someone's like "I need to visit the atm machine" I'm like "yeah you do" because ass to mouth machine.
  15. Yeah same. The swimmy head feverish kind. It's kinda like being high. You can just sit and mong out on the sofa to bullshit on tv, guilt free! Spiral knows what I'm talking about. It is this weird body high where I'm in the dazed out cold-zone. It's similar to being on pain meds. Also, for some reason my orgasms end up being more intense... heightened sensitivity or something. Colds r cool.
  16. I don't listen to electronic music that often. When i do, it's usually Autechre... but that's not very controversial around these parts. I like having colds! (Unless there's a sore thoat involved.)
  17. The quality level of my recommended videos on youtube is quite shit. I hope to elevate it somewhat by delving deep into the documentaries thread. That place is a treasure trove.
  18. Listening to a Vampire Weekend album for the first time, the debut one. While I'm not a big fan of the music itself save a couple tracks, that Rostam guy is a fucking powerhouse talent. The string arrangements and production are far better than they have any right to be for someone's first attempt. So yeah, level of professionalism is staggering. I can see why this band exploded the way they did. A lot of the indie music cliches that make me chuckle are present, but that's likely the fault of the subsequent imitators for turning them into cliches. Interesting hearing something so clearly influential on more recent popular music for the first time. I didn't really have any idea what to expect.
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