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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Boards of Canada already warned us of WWIII with their last album. You could have just checked Spotify. Two birds one stone.
  2. I did some shrooms, went for a walk, and was horrified at the endless rows of houses/concrete/powerlines for as far as the eye could see. The trees looked like part of a grotesque zoo, caged within these bizarre prisons of "private property," where all the animals who used to live there had been forced out. To me they represented the earth screaming out, falling upon the deaf ears of oblivious prisoners to materialism. lol. I finally made it to the ocean, gazed up at the moon in awe and heard myself utter the words "take me." That's it. That's my story. Some anti-capitalist undertones fo' yo' azz.
  3. I watched the second LOTR movie last night, and this title popped into my head. 8 years later. Congrats.
  4. Apparently it wasn't released in the US originally, and they didn't tour for it. Rumour has it it was intended as a Jaz Coleman solo album, but production costs got out of control, so the label insisted they release it as Killing Joke to help recoup costs... which didn't really work out for anyone. If the music were played by a symphony it would make a solid film score.
  5. That's a noble task! In this instance, it's a case of them being remastered 20+ years later.
  6. Interesting! I'll add personal bastardization of the 80's riff to the bucket list. Man, I was not prepared for Outside the Gate. Opening synth line immediately made me think of a minor key version of Van Halen - Jump and made me lol. Def set the tone for the rest of the album. Wow. Killing Joke: The Musical. Curious to see how they recover. Never a good sign when your bassist asks for his name to be removed from the album credits.
  7. I am going through the Killing Joke discog on Spotify, but the release dates are all fucked up, causing me to skip the second and fourth albums (which are listed as being released in the 2000's instead of the early 80's). If I had Neil Young's influence I would start a boycott against them for this. Fucking furious. *Speaking of the 80's, the song titled Eighties just came up - holy Come As You Are riff origins! Totally forgot about that... Nirvana/Butch Vig really nailed the chorus effect on the guitar. Makes it seem like a deliberate homage, rather than an accidental rip-off.
  8. That's a tough one. I was struggling for a few months with the same dilemma after moving into a place with a much higher rent, requiring me to work more than twice as much. So I started bringing my laptop with me, and working on music during downtime + a lot of music making in bed. Helps that i have completely flexible hours. If I didn't have that, I guess I'd set aside specific times each day where I had to make music. Do it in place of watching a movie, or whatever. Easier said than done, of course.
  9. @brian trageskin transcribe this one: Whole lotta cool cluster chords going on.
  10. A&W is the best of the classic megacorp fast food chains. Fat Burger and Johnny Rocket seem like another category somehow, maybe just because Victoria didn't have either until fairly recently, and I've never seen either advertised anywhere. Fat Burger is as expensive as a regular restaurant too, which is a fast food faux pas. Johnny Rocket makes a damn good burger, I must say. Destroys all the old-school chains.
  11. I wonder how common it is for masochists to masturbate with chilli oil.
  12. Almost all fast food burgers are borderline inedible. I can't imagine this one being any worse. If it's open late, I will try.
  13. The "I've been married so many times I've learned to bone just about anything" line was pretty slick. Impressed that one made it on air.
  14. I tried the Vegan Butcher just last week for the first time. Had some jalapeno burger thing. It was pretty good, but about $5 more than it was worth in satisfaction. We're talking almost $20 with no side. Would not order again, unless on sale for half price. *The Good Butchers is the name of the vegan one.
  15. Ae F7 sounds nothing like an F7, so a different title would have perhaps been more appropriate imo.
  16. Thanks! He might. I think I did this one in 2013 and was not yet familiar with his work. But yeah, the processed female vox give it a similar aesthetic. My main influence on this album was Paulstretch, hahaha...
  17. I'm harmony obsessed, but I don't know how I'd go about talking about it. This track started off with a single vocal sample which I kept layering up with itself, various intervals that sounded pleasing to me. I'll probably never have a choir at my disposal, so this is the closest I can come to that: https://zephyrnova.bandcamp.com/track/amsilem I tend to layer up harmonies in my vocal centred songs too, but then replicating them live is always difficult/impossible. Sometimes I have band members trying, but it's never the same. Song I'm.recording right now has a three part harmony behind the lead vocal. If I ever do it live, I'll have to just have my recorded voice in the background, which is kind of lame. Elliott Smith is one of my favourite harmony arrangers.
  18. Bold Butchery on Quadra and Pandora. I go there at least once a week for the pita wrap. Thin pita toasted crispy. It only takes them 10 minutes to make, and it's just stupid delicious. I always get extra meat. There's a falafel wrap too that I have yet to try, because I know there's no way it will be able to compete with the shawarma.
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