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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Yup! It's kind of an odd match-up. I think it's entirely due to that band of the month thing happening. That really put us on the radar for concert promoters in need of local opening acts. It's at Capital Ballroom (previously Sugar), which is normally impossible to get a gig at unless you're a big name out of town artist. The last show I saw there also had a former Zone band of the month opening. Anyway, it's probably time to invest in some in-ear monitors.
  2. Fox News response to her roast is almost as funny. I actually thought it was really well done satire for the first minute. My only glimpse into Fox/CNN news is the occasional youtube clip, so... I'm always a little astonished: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlGFnrbr4SM
  3. I finally saw an ad on youtube that I felt no pressing need to skip: Snoop Dog breaks down hockey slang. Like, actually the first ad I watched from start to finish on that site. I couldn't tell you what it was advertising mind you, but the delivery was entertaining.
  4. Holy shiiiiii he's playing the Copper Owl?! And aw shiiiiii I am JUST missing this as I plan to visit Vic a few days after!!! Damn! I was going to message you and see if you were going to be in town that week. Why don't you just alter your plan and come a few days early?
  5. Not a youtube video, but if it were it would be a favorite: https://imgur.com/TuISmiO
  6. I just got home from doing a noise set, and I am seeing Merzbow live on the 17th. That's all I got.
  7. Motherfucking rancid nuts. Not these huge filthy unwashed things, but walnuts, almonds, etc. People baking them into brownies, filling their snack bowls for the guests... just rancid nuts everywhere. Seriously, stop it with that shit. No one wants your rancid nuts.
  8. One of my bands just got a pretty major gig offer opening for the motherfucking Posies! it's being put on by the company that controls most of the major shows that happen in our town, so the fact that they even thought of us is a pretty big deal. But... The Posies - Ringo Star covered one of their songs. Half the band played alongside Alex Chilton when Big Star reformed. Crazy! Anyway... I'm clearly not used to playing alongside acts that I've known about since my childhood. This is pretty cool.
  9. Ah, i assumed this was a repost of that one. I swear that was no more than a month ago. Ah well, rabble rousers gonna rabble rouse.
  10. Whoa. Hope it clears up soon. May I use "Sickness Sampler Platter" as a track title? FWP: back's been extra achey lately, and I think it's in part due to all the extra driving I've been doing as a delivery guy.
  11. Won runner up in this Indaba "feature artist" original song contest I submitted to. It's a song from an as-of-yet unreleased album from my rock band that no one knows about: https://www.indabamusic.com/opportunities/indaba-sync-featured-artist-series-final/winners
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voGjGlRS0t8&list=PLOX1euI4hINc8sl6ZKqbqYceXKnRxfSna&t=0s
  13. Handicapped spots are largely a bunch of bullshit and that guy was clearly an insecure dipshit looking to earn some white knight points. The only thing you did wrong was not pointing out that he was clearly the asshole in the situation. Thank you. FWP: this mysterious invisible ad keeps popping up when I'm taking Scrabble turns on facebook where a lady prattles on about how her pet stopped eating.
  14. Yeah I thought most of it was pretty cheese, and the autotune on Maynard's voice was killing me. Great drum sound though, and it started off promising. A bit too Jimmy Eats World meets Andrew Loyd Webber for me. Though I am a big fan of the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack.
  15. Is this an earlier work of what eventually became Cool 3d World?
  16. They just need to acknowledge it's always been Danny Carey's band. Then all will go smoothly.
  17. That segment is hilarious, but I couldn't work out the Barbara Bush connection. Then I saw the related link. Way to guilt my lol, watmm.
  18. Was it Larry David? If only! That would have made my year. If he had been anything like Larry David in his demeanor I would have been charmed. He was more what I'd consider to be the archetypal dude-bro, with an extremely high T-count. I was pretty intimidated... like "is this guy gonna beat me up now or what?" Then as I lay in a crippled knot on the ground he'd say "now you can use the handicapped spots" and drive away.
  19. Found this kind of interesting. Sent it to my brother so he can set my nephew on the right path before it's too late. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=816VLQNdPMM
  20. because cunts tbqh (also don't forget that obesity can get you one of those HC cards in Canada). Curse this stupid high metabolism! I eat practically nothing but fried foods, pasta, bread and cheese am still borderline anorexic. Wait... would anorexia give me an HC card? I could feasibly pull that one off.
  21. I'm running into grab a delivery order, which takes 2 minutes tops. The parking lot is full aside from four handicapped spots and a couple small car spots which won't fit my van. So I park in one of the HC spots with my hazards on, knowing I'm just going to pop in and out. Which I do. As I'm getting into my van this dude pulls up next to me, rolls down his window and says "taking a handicapped spot while you pick up your order? Pretty shitty bro." Seriously? There's 3 others available and nowhere else for me to park for my 2 minute pickup. He goes and parks in one of the regular spots that has just opened up, so he pulled in beside me just to say that. FFS. It would be one thing if it were the only HC spot there... or even one that was close to the restaurant - I took the furthest one from it. Why can't everyone just be reasonable? Why get in someone's face over something so trivial.
  22. compared to what? Other metal bands that are doing unconventional groove shizz. Even when it's 4/4 all members are doing some crazy syncopated thing. When other bands are doing this, I still find it relatively easy to follow along, but the Meshuggah brain is wired differently. I guess I'm thinking of more groove oriented metal specifically, as opposed to bands who are just spastic and change meter/tempo every 30 seconds. But it's rare that bands like that actually spaz to grooves that particularly unusual. Of course I'm not taking melodic complexity into account. None of the aforementioned bands are particularly complex melodically.
  23. Danny Carey's drumming is really the only part of Tool that ranks high on the complexity scale imo. Justin Chancellor's bass playing always compliments it perfectly and augments whatever weirdness Carey might be trying into something that grooves like a motherfucker. Adam Jones guitar parts are very basic, but his rhythm is pretty much impeccable. So between the three of them you've got a real powerhouse rhythm section. Meshuggah's really holding the monopoly on rhythmic complexity from all angles. Isis are great, but there's nothing particularly complex going on in their music. As players they're more viceral, less cerebral. That's what makes them stand out.
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