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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Good find. I wonder how he settled on the 3 t's.
  2. Yeah I resolved to get a portable charger pretty much as soon as my phone died. My shifts are usually 4 and a half hours, which is typically enough time for me to get through everything with 10% of my battery to spare. But this time I opted to check in 45 minutes early and didn't take that into account. It's a lucky thing I was familiar with the street on which my final delivery was located.
  3. My phone died in the middle of my last delivery, which was at an apartment with no buzzer number given. Luckily I memorized the address right before the phone died (which I rely on 100% for directions + getting paid for deliveries I complete), and when I showed up the girls who ordered it were waiting in the lobby. They were all drunk and happy. Crisis averted! Charged my phone when I got home so I could still get paid for it. Though even if I didn't, I still would have felt satisfied with actually making that delivery happen. I had one major order fuckup last week and probably can't afford another one, so this was a lucky FWS indeed.
  4. APC live sounds more like their recordings than any other band I've heard in concert. Every tone was dialed in perfectly, playing was flawless, as were the vocals. (This was right after the release of their first album.) It's a shame they didn't keep it going while the going was good.
  5. APC were great. Very melodic, a lot of unconventional guitar work. First album had a bit of a... mystical(?) vibe going for it. I haven't heard it in well over a decade, probably sounds a bit dated now. But it had a lot of really strong songs on it. Second album was decent. Then they released a shitty covers album and fucked off.
  6. Thread needs more old time elderly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FE30a4J38Q
  7. Thank you for the run down. FWP: every time I read the word "sad" in print my brain reads it in a Trump voice. Sad.
  8. I still haven't heard all of AE_LIVE. I kind of forgot that was a different thing from elseq... brb.
  9. Made Ramen earlier tonight and the skin from the roof of my mouth is now peeling off, as is always the case after eating Ramen. It didn't dawn on me just how gross that is until I wrote it down here. Nasty.
  10. Bands that aren't anywhere near the same style as one I'm in keep asking us to do shows. We don't like turning anyone down, but it would be nice to play shows with a little more artistic cohesion. That doesn't seem to be a priority with other local bands. It's very odd.
  11. https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=ekLJWu__KcGZsAHytpGoBw&q=get+right+on+one+matey&oq=get+right+on+one+matey&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0.1292.9726.0.10268. I see. The pirate lingo is an interesting choice. In the few results I scanned I couldn't find an actual meaning for that phrase, just that it was a phrase in the rave scene.
  12. Youtube comments have always kind of been the cesspool of the internet tho. Any who dare scroll through them must be prepared to be subjected to the worst aspects of humanity. That's been the case for as long as I can remember.
  13. Also wtf does the weird acid man repeat twice at 1:58? All I hear is "rise on one matey"... but that's probably not it.
  14. Motherfucking Palak Paneer has been lurking at the back of my throat all night like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEdiOBz4zeM
  15. Whoa this is awesome! The music anyway... the death not so much.
  16. I once won a Magic tournament. It remains my greatest trick to date.
  17. Oh man, these memes are getting me so amped for my set in two hours. I need to drive after so I need to stay sober, but I can still get drunk on memes if you got 'em watmm.
  18. It sounds to me like there is a lot of older material mixed in with some newer stuff, as opposed to all new material (total reworkings of the older stuff of course, same as they would have done for any live performance). But yes, quality stuff through and through. HYPE!
  19. Yeah, it gets more engaging as it goes on. For the first couple tracks I was like "damn, this is waaaay too typical." But once it starts delivering it delivers big.
  20. Tritonic chasm adventure song is hitting all the right spots. Oooh especially when it reaches the unexpected shift to major. That's a warm sonic bath right there.
  21. Ahahahah this Mario having a stroke track is killing me.
  22. I'm digging this track that started off as a freight train entering hell which then morphed into a robot with indigestion that is now just kind of chillin'/blowin' bubbles. Anyone else know the one I'm referencing?
  23. I found this quite hilarious. Any chance we can be the judge of how stupid your fucking mumbling is? Never! Squee's mumbling for most IDM 2018. I want an entire comp of this.
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