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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. almost an hour later I still have a few sips to go. I was over halfway through when I made that post. *hands dregs to usagi*
  2. This bottle of beer is too big, and quite frankly I'm sick of it.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNlKzgBWPz4&list=PLgWJujPu29za07R2QxeYMHI-KgZzkckfI&index=1
  4. Does anybody ever have any idea what he's talking about? Does he? But yeah I'm pretty hyped up now. Gonna slam this coffee and then... something.
  5. Just finding a bag of Pretzels would be a FWS to me. Whatever store I happen to walk into never has them. FWS I woke up from my dream where watmm was down for 3 days.
  6. I had this dream that watmm was down for 3 days. It was horrible. I did get a lot of work done though. Luckily it was just a dream.
  7. Just discovered this random tiny flash drive I don't recognize has 56GB of space rather than the 2 I was expecting!
  8. I have a cold that keeps fucking with my ears. It's doing the sore throat thing too, though that seems to be reduced today. This is the worst kind of cold. I'll take coughing and congestion any day over this.
  9. lol please tell me that was Trump's latest tweet.
  10. Someone's streamed one of my albums on bandcamp 3 times today... omg just download it already! It's free! Fucking take it!
  11. There's no way I'm listening to a 10+ minute SP song from that era, but I believe you.
  12. Spiders in my vicinity doesn't bug me in the least. But a bug of any sort landing on me will make me screech/do a crazy dance. I think I'm just a pussy without arachnophobia.
  13. I posted that on the previous page, but yeah it's pretty good.
  14. After almost a month of working as a delivery person, I'm surprised to notice that Monday seems to be the most popular night for people ordering in, and Friday is the least popular. Thought it would be the reverse. Kind of makes sense though, as Friday's more of a "let's go out to eat" kind of night. Not sure why Monday's so crazy busy though. 9-5 workers trying to cure their start of the week depression? Also, this is the only job I've ever legitimately enjoyed, aside from studio work (and sometimes I don't enjoy that). My boss is an app!
  15. I think I had a kind of retarded version of that phenomenon hit me this morning. At the tag end of my dream I was in 7-11 with my ex-girlfriend and her parents. They were buying her "alligator shoes" which had literal alligator heads that were still alive and biting as the toe of the shoes. So naturally I gave the crocs my other friend's mouthguards as a safety measure so my ex-gf's feet would remain in tact after trying them on... which I also thought was a hilarious gesture. Her dad wanted to know the price, so I quipped "probably somewhere between 7 and 11 dollars hur hur hur." Then I was like "what's the deal with 7-11's being open long past midnight and way before 7am?" I woke up with the smug assuredness that I should do standup comedy.
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