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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I got to drive on the sidewalk today (because an ambulance was obstructing the road).
  2. I'm bored of everything and am certain the years ahead of me will never be as good as the ones behind me.
  3. I dreamt that pinhead from Hellraiser was present in my dream-house, and I addressed him with "is it weird that I'm happy to see you?" Normally I would have clued in that it was a nightmare, and he was there to do scary shit to me, but I guess in this dream I was reflecting on how much I enjoyed the Hellraiser series. Anyway, I think I woke up before I got much of a reaction out of him.
  4. $tewmac FTW. ...although that one seems more like parody. I couldn't find him on youtube.
  5. omg that prechorus riff is so bad ass now that I'm actually hearing it properly. I would have been 9 years old when my cousin dubbed a cassette of that album for me, so... 29 years of hearing it wrong. At some point I at least realized that, but could never correct it.
  6. Met a couple friends for drinks downtown, left my van in a parkade, bussed home, realized I left my apartment keys in my van. ?
  7. Do you hear the snares as the 1 2 3 4 on the verse too? Then suddenly there's a totally fucked riff on the prechorus that barely makes sense, and then the chorus is normal? Because I think that's the only way to hear it. Combustion is Meshuggah's Fight Fire with Fire.
  8. Was listening to the first Eraser album in my van the other day, and I swear I was hearing the 1 on the wrong beat for about half of the songs. Do Thom Yorke/Nigel Godrich do this on purpose? Happens all the time with Radiohead too. I remember a lot of songs used to start that way for me, then flip at some point into the intended groove, which was always super satisfying. Now if I hear the kick land on the 2nd beat of a bar once (unintended), it remains that way for the entire song. My brain became more rigid or something. It does result in some very interesting syncopations, but sometimes I just want to hear a song as it was intended to be heard.
  9. First 4 IG stories in my feed are all from tinder/bumble matches.
  10. I like that "music" is in quotations. Nice self-jab on her part.
  11. I've always admired your ability to assess the odds with such a high degree of accuracy.
  12. In light of drillkicker's last post, I'm updating my previous response to this: I'm trying.
  13. ...have you considered that this new woman with the same name is in fact a continuation of the woman who you thought ghosted you. (Either way, congrats!) SFWS: just received 88 cents from paypal for album sales. I knew one day all my hard work making music would pay off.
  14. He hasn't complained in a while. Makes me wonder if he ended up moving into that 2 bedroom suite elsewhere in the building (which was the landlord's hope... though it will only mean he'll have someone else to complain about). Yeah, I def wouldn't do it over text, especially given her reply track record. Although finding a good moment to do it in person is really hard.
  15. lol thanks for the input, and the kind words. At first I was put off by the text thing, but then I realized it was just a weird consistent pattern of behaviour for her, not just with me but in general. She's pretty awesome really. But she's hard to read, and I know struggles with shit like PTSD, and gets stressed out easily. So i don't take the cold shoulder thing personally. She does make and effort to keep hanging out. Which is actually pretty rare. You're right of course though, I just need to bring it up already. I've been aware of that for months now, hahaha... also my sense of time is completely fucked.
  16. Ugh, yep. Last couple months it feels like I've been working constantly, yet it's only ever just enough to cover living expenses. Feels completely futile and pointless.
  17. There's this woman from the dating apps that I'm very attracted to. We matched maybe a couple months ago... (checks tinder account) scratch that - we matched in fucking May. So I guess we've been friends for a while. Every time we hang out the conversation's really good, we'll listen to music together for a couple hours, it's always a fun time. But I don't get the sense that the attraction aspect is mutual. I've been thinking about broaching the subject for a while... several months apparently hahaha. She obviously likes me quite a bit, as we've hung out at least once every couple weeks. And usually she's the one to initiate the hang out plans. I attribute that mostly to her being fucking awful at returning texts. Typically, we'll hang out, it seems like we really connect. Then I'll message her afterward and she'll just ignore it. A week or more passes and then I'll get a random message from her. Last night it was asking me if I've been to this specific pub she discovered. I have not. Anyway... we'll probably go there soon. Problem is, there are always these long gaps between hang outs, and while it's always great when we're together in person, it's difficult to really build upon that with the cold shoulder treatment I get afterward. Been dealing with this stupid infatuation for a while now, and still find her behaviour just as confounding as I did at the start. I really value our friendship and don't want to fuck that up. But I think if she ends up finding someone I'll always be left wondering if I ever had a chance that I simply failed to take. Rationally, I know there are many reasons why it's a bad idea. She's not into monogamy, she wants a partner she only sees occasionally, she's way younger, and she kind of intimidates me. But for this whole time, she's the only woman I've met that I'm actually into romantically. (To be fair, I haven't had many options.) God damn it. Anyway, since i don't have a blog, this is going here. Cringe with me.
  18. First they're sending captionless selfies. Next thing you know they're fucking you to death. It's a tale as old as time.
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