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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Spent almost 3 hours scrolling through memes in the dank thread while the telus guy set up my internet. He's still here and I'm out of memes.
  2. Well if it's a manga with "gear" involved, I have to assume it takes place in the future, and g-string thongs as casual wear is a natural progression from where fashion's at now. Maybe they were just trying to get it right.
  3. Pizza lady tried to upsell me on a 2nd pizza for "50% off." When I asked how much my first pizza was, the answer was $11. With the second pizza the price jumped to... $28?? I told her that was significantly more than 50%, and went with my initial order. $28 is quite a far cry from the $16.50 that should have worked out to. How do they get away with this shit?
  4. Haha that excursion was not very nice. The theme was profound isolation, and the unbridgeable gaps between us all. It was basically the opposite of and ecstasy experience... which is my ideal drug experience. Fentanyl killed that party.
  5. Moving into a new place tomorrow, so my van's currently full of heavy things and I don't want to do any driving... and holy fuck am I ever bored. I don't remember the last time I was this bored. Guess I've been using delivery driving as a crutch, because any time I find myself with nothing to do I just start a shift. Guess my life's been pretty empty for the past few months!
  6. I'm listening to one such artist at this moment, who you're no doubt already familiar with - Otto Von Schirach (album: Supermeng [finally... it's quite good]).
  7. Very strong thread premise. 2012 was one helluva year.
  8. Is my mom the only person mourning Don Everly? Top harmony singin'
  9. You're right, I was probably just using the wrong kind of salt. Next coffee's getting a tablespoon of fish sauce.
  10. I added some sugar to my coffee from a ziplock baggie. Yeah, that was salt. Still drinking. Isn't as bad as you might think... but it's not good. ...this must be at least 10 times as much salt as i would ever eat in one meal.
  11. Oh shit - if a member of the Rolling Stones can die, anyone can! I was certain they would all outlive me. RIP.
  12. Already do deodorant, and don't eat that much red meat. Put hot sauce on almost everything though. That probably comes out in my sweat.
  13. My arm pit stank bothers me just about every day (right now included). I find other peoples' BO more pleasant on average, which I think is backwards.
  14. Crazy to think Geogaddi is now old enough to buy cigarettes, join the army, star in porn, and yet still can't buy liquor in the states. Music has a right to liquor.
  15. Whoever added "verse/chorus/bridge" headers to the lyrics on the Replacements - Pleased to Meet me album at genius.com really shat the bed. Very tempted to get in there and correct them all.
  16. imagine if second bad vilbel became the amen break for zoomers. "bad vibes break"
  17. matched with someone yesterday and hit it off super hard in the chats... more than with anyone else before in my 2 years of doing this insanity. but it's under crazy circumstances on her end that probably spell disaster. i'm not disclosing what, because for some reason I feel wrong about posting something that personal about her, despite the fact that she's an anonymous example on here. i am still optimistic despite being aware of how fucked up the circumstances are. instinctually I feel like everything's going to work out just peachy, but intellectually I recognize those instincts are that of a fucking idiot. also, drunk, and high on chicken McNuggets I got paid minimum dollar to eat.
  18. Any time I'm participating in a circle jerk, the only way I can cum is if I think about posting on watmm.
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