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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. My ipod recently died as well. So I upgraded my phone, which happened to be already covered on my tab (part of my cell plan)! It was was like I got to walk in to the shop and steal a phone, no jail time required. It still gets to be a FWP because the jack is too shallow to properly contain any pair of headphones in existence... which is baffling, but common among phones. So my headphones jut out about 4mm at all times, and even at max volume it's still pretty quiet. Albums mastered before '96 will be largely dissatisfying from now on... unless there is such a thing as a volume boosting adapter. And there probably is, I just haven't looked into it yet. Also, I'm hungry.
  2. I imagine this thread title in a Butters voice every time I read it.
  3. My ipod died recently, so I've reverted to listening on my android. At maximum volume, it's still pretty quiet, so I can only enjoy albums that are mastered stupid loud. On the bright side, Meshuggah are still awesome. On the downside, the jack is too short for standard sized headphones, so they are never more than 3/4s of the way in, and as a result the audio panned far left and right sometimes gets all squashy. At first I just thought it was sidechain compression used really awkwardly on the last Meshuggah album. But it just turns out that everything I depend on is shit.
  4. Tonight, for the first time in over a year I managed to write lyrics for a song. They're really sad, but in a way that seems genuine and not embarrassing... I think. Hopefully that doesn't lead to me losing my composure while singing them. It's kind of going out on a limb. Anyway, hopefully more lyrics are on the way now. These ones came relatively painlessly. That must have been so satisfying! I'm pretty sure my ipod is totally fucked at this point, so maybe I should have one more listen and then smash the hell out of it when it resumes its rage inducing behavior.
  5. Ugh, I've been trying to forget that.
  6. They almost never have fun squiggly straws, which I feel is key in fighting the war against small ice cubes. My ipod nano is fucked and they no longer do hardware repairs on those models. I'm going a bit batty not having music to travel by. I had so many albums lined up that I was really looking forward to. It's one of my only joys these days. Ain't got no money to spare, so I'm just going to have to suck it up and go crazy i guess. Honestly though I don't even want to leave my apartment without the tunes. It's seriously crimpin' my style.
  7. Was that 12 bar blues? I think I only heard it once or twice. I should give it another try, but first I must reacquire it. Another STP related album that I'd completely forgotten about until 5 minutes ago, is Talk Show --it's basically STP with some other guy on vocals. I took it out from the library once while in highschool and can't remember a thing about it, other than that it exists. That one might be a bit trickier to track down.
  8. True enough! Though if someone were to make fun of certain aspects I enjoy about it, I'd probably just shrug and accept it. Purple, on the other hand, I'd have an easy time defending. Well, ignoring the lyrics... "take a bath/I'll drink the water that you leave" might be the grossest lyric of all time. But I love the way he delivered it.
  9. Ahahaha classic. I know exactly what you mean about the "temperature shock" in the stomache. Those little ice cubes are the only thing that does that.... which is why i like them.
  10. Agreed, except I'd extend the last bit to the second two albums. Tiny Music I feel was their most ambitious work, and is a guitar tone wet dream. I didn't care for it as much as a kid because I was weirded out by Weiland's wimpy new vocal style, but even that has since grown on me. Core, while still a solid album, sounds very dated to me now. Purple and Tiny are timeless.
  11. Purple and Tiny Music are two of my favorite albums from that era. His crooner singer parody on the Purple hidden track is nothing short of astonishing. RIP.
  12. After 20 years of sitting around in dusty cassette cases, tracks from my first ever multitrack recording project, Machine, are now available for public consumption. For the most part, it's instrumental industrial-metal-ish music, with a heavy NIN/Ministry/Tool influence. 13 year old me is very happy. Anyone curious can check it out/download it here (put 0 as amount to download for free): https://machine1994.bandcamp.com/releases load it with ambient sounds and make an album haha, well I was hoping to use it to play noise loops for an upcoming gig, but it looks like that's out of the question now (the problem returned with a vengeance, leading to many a public spazz-out moment. I hate the technology i depend upon so goddamn much).
  13. Well, I'd be okay with it if it didn't do after a slight jostle, turn or whatever... and if it didn't skip to back to the start of the track, next track etc. Basically it creates a lot more potential problems than it helps. My phones almost never actually come out. Also... the problem is back, and so is my hammer smash impulse.
  14. I thought my iPod was finally FUBAR because it was randomly pausing and skipping tracks for two days straight. My rage impulse told me to smash it with a hammer, but instead I opted to stick a toothpick into the headphone jack to see if there may be some grime fucking shit up in there. A barely visible piece of dirt came out on my third jab. Now it's good as new. But why is the pause/skip track function in any way connected with the headphone jack? What an idiotic design feature. I want my music to keep playing unless I tell it to stop, in every circumstance. My headphones should not have a say in this matter.
  15. Ahh, well if that's true then it helps quell my anger against those particular uploaders. Still, surely they could be a bit more subtle with it. The helium voice thing is so fucking distracting. The time stretching thing is probably done for the same reasons, and it's not quite as bad. As for the out of sync vids, I'm going to chalk that up to people not knowing how to use video editing software.
  16. What's up with people posting out of sync and otherwise fucked up videos on youtube? I just tried watching 4 Richard Pryor standups. First one was way out of sync, second one was way out of sync, third one his voice was pitched/sped up a full two semitones, fourth one was time stretched to creepy hell. What the fuck? Is everyone who uploads to youtube completely inept? FUCK!
  17. If I had themes I wanted for each song it would be a lot easier. The only message i really care to convey is the emotion/aesthetic of the music itself. But I like music with lyrics, and if they must be there they should be good. This is my eternal dilemma. I want good lyrics but I don't really care about any message outside of the music (at least when it comes to my own music... there are some great lyricists out there that I admire for it).
  18. I was doing a google search to see what could possibly cause mp3 or wav encodings to randomly smash two or more songs together (it's happened to me a few times now). The search started with "why does" and then google suggested "why does my life suck", which I decided to roll with, which lead me to this depressing-as-fuck site: http://www.imatternot.com/ It's kind of funny in a really dark way, but it has also sort of cast a gloomy shadow over my night. i still don't have an answer to my original question, and I'm not sure I can phrase it simply enough to yield helpful results on a google search.
  19. Thanks for the reminder, I still need to check it out.
  20. Ahahaha excellent. They should find a new guitarist who can ape Adam Jones' style while also bringing something new to the table. That guy has not progressed as a guitarist since Aenima, and is the main reason 10,000 Days was boring. He's got the whole single note muted riffing thing down, but it's seriously time to move on. Everyone else can still kill it. But honestly, I'd be a lot more excited for a new APC album at this point. Aenima is still one of the best albums of all time.
  21. I have 10 well fleshed out song demos for my band, but no lyrics for any of it. The melodies are all there, but the words are just random vowel and consonant sounds at the moment. I have endless musical ideas, but finding words to fit with them is a really painstaking, frustrating process for me. If I wrote a song a day for a month it would still be a couple years before i had all the lyrics to match. And even then, the words never live up to the music. I think that's partly why I started making electronic music in the first place. Maybe I'll give the Burroughs cut-up method a try.
  22. I successfully mistook the FWS thread for the FWP thread.
  23. It used to be the same for me, but I think today I'm a White Album/Rubber Soul man. I still have Let It Be to go in this year's later-period-Beatles listening, but I was never a big fan of that one.
  24. I could only find flac, which does not play in my ipod, and there is no batch convert option in the program I use for such things on my lap top... so I must now convert each to mp4, one song at a time x 17. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. My day is eroding into bullshit. *OMFG it won't even allow me to encode mp4 in the demo version. Fuck everything.
  25. My Beatles box set from several Xmases ago has two copies of Revolver and no Abbey Road!! WTF. Those were two albums I already had on CD before I got the set, which may be why I hadn't paid any attention before. So aggravating... guess it's back to the pirate bay for me. I'm going to be really pissed if it's a transcode, or riddled with gaps, or any of the other horrors that go hand in hand with the pirate's life. I did initially say "fuck it" and ripped my old version of Abbey Road, but the sound is too noticably inconsistent with the new masters (went through everything from Help up until Abbey Road yesterday, and I've adapted to the sound... I must hear Abbey Road with the same treatment goddammit).
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