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Everything posted by th555

  1. th555

    ? - twels

    It's probably autechre deliberately trying to sound like wannabe-autechres.
  2. https://soundcloud.com/th555/apology
  3. You can turn off ctrl receive in the global midi settings, I had to do it too due to some midi cc conflict with FL.
  4. Oh wow, I thought those binary modifiers would be just an on/off affair but this sounds v. neat. thx jev didn't know about that force refresh thing, I'll try that when it goes wonky on me lol. Also just found out there's a "unisono #" modifier, so you can determine which parameters are spread out in unison mode.
  5. 16 I think, and then there's the 4 combination things. Dialing in some FM now, manual says you can get 6 operators if you use the LFO's... Don't have the wavetables/sample option I think (got it 2nd hand) but there's a user-built wavetable editor (here) that I'm going to try out. The comb filters are way cool btw, haven't really used them before I got the blofeld.
  6. Just got myself a Blofeld, with the poly aftertouch and super good modulation routing I could really use a proper keyboard-esque input device now. All of the above looks p. amazing, especially the Rise. Maybe a pressure sensitive pad controller would be neat to play melodic synths on, too, anyone here tried that?
  7. What are y'all guys even on about? Very nice, I'd love one of these knobby things with lights, I get kinda confused when I'm constantly mapping the nanokontrol to different things.
  8. Added CV input on the monotron, hardwired the gate open so I can use it as an extra osc for the nanozwerg. It's pretty fly.
  9. Which supermarket chain is the most vapourwave in your opinions?
  10. you should read philip k dick's "time out of joint" if you haven't yet. hey thx was just trying to decide on new PKD to read.
  11. I was using that to overdub a bassline to an FL track, I also put the backing track through the delay pedal which made it pretty jammy still. Here ya go: https://soundcloud.com/th555/0125a
  12. Keepin it real yo
  13. Not sure if I posted this already but worth another mention as it's getting updated all the time. http://bsutherland.github.io/JuceOPLVSTi/
  14. flol it's a pretty meta thing to do actually
  15. Barbara, pretty good, nice ddr atmospheres. Thirteenth Floor, shitty hollywood version of Welt am Draht but not unentertaining.
  16. Word Wars - Tiles and Tribulations on the Scrabble Circuit. Pretty IDM.
  17. I had some inception fucking once. I met a girl at a club a few months ago, and due to her being a hobag, we went to a love hotel (which is where you go in Tokyo to sexing). Anyway, after doing some lines of near-pure charly from IDM hookupz, my member is all of a sudden knee deep in her vagiznaz (took awhile to get it up, but I poked at it like checking meters in a jet). As I'm pumping her furiously with coke sweat splatting on the walls, I put her ankles by her head to get in deeper. And then I realized...... What the fuck. "Is that..... Is that another vagina?!" "...Yes." TLDR: I fucked a girl who had a vagina in her vagina, and in that vagina was another vagina. It was the first time I've been in 3 vaginas simultaneously, and I'm now humbled and find myself watching sunsets with can beer, crying, remembering the Native Americans. Sidenote: After the fucking, she queef'd with all 3 vaginas, which made a G major chord. So now every time I hear G major I remember her. Haruki Murakami pls. btw u still never ever showed me ur acid beats on my acid synth
  18. Cool. Is it one of those phase distortion things?
  19. I was looking at neat pics of typewriters and now I'm watching Cronenberg's Naked Lunch. Good film, obviously ;D
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