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Everything posted by Cryptowen

  1. Cryptowen

    Now Reading

    I've been reading The Political & Man by Panagiotis Kondylis, an English translation of an unfinished German text written by a Greek man, which thus far has focused largely on social modelling & systems theory every sentence feels like a frame from star wars the phantom menace
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhEefkn2TPo
  3. So there's that popular band trope where they'll end a song by having every instrument hit a big power harmonic that lingers & slowly fades (presumably into the cheering of the crowd). And usually the drummer will do that thing where they're just hitting really light, fast textural tones on the cymbals to go along with it. Is that just there so the drummer has something to do? Don't get me wrong, it usually isn't annoying (except for when I'm trying to sample the reverb tails of songs), but it also just kinda feels like it's there for the sake of it being there. I think I like it better when the drummer plays that outro bit like the main rhythm of the song is slowly unspooling; like there might be a couple of stray kicks & recognizable elements from the rhythm proper, but in a way that makes obvious that the groove has been irrevocably broken.
  4. Ever since the death of God there's been a vacancy open. Deep instinctual need for a sense of spiritual structure in the world, plus the innate modern satisfaction of filling out questionaires about yourself. presents these things in readily accessible form, without the deeper commitment of actual spiritual practice or rigorous self-analysis. Like the psychological equivalent of a tv dinner, or the spiritual analogue to a one night stand
  5. the other night i was awake in bed (aka the blanket on the floor I sleep on) for hours mentally rewriting the lyrics of mad world to be about a guy falling off the no-masturbation bandwagon & jacking off to every page of his erotic dilbert page a day calendar over the course of a three day weekend. truly the mind is a cruel mistress, she haunts me so in the midnight hour
  6. yeah which is why imo it's crucial that we as a species work to develop a postliberal concept of the individual before technological development gets much further along. The idea of freely self-determining rational agent already seemed false in the 20th Century, in the light of things like advertising & propaganda. The internet has this way of amplifying the problem to the nth degree, and we haven't seen nothing yet. New phenomenon will emerge with each new development - I imagine you'd be able to fuck with a lot of people pretty bad once VR & AI-generated media have advanced to a sufficient degree. Basically there needs to be a better way of understanding & addressing these things, or else you're going to see more ridiculous snowball phenomenon a la trump getting memed into the white house, and more opportunities for a single tech dev somewhere to have a disproportionately large hand in shaping the conversation & individual desires
  7. For real though I was doing some research into the history of fascism earlier this year, and the connection to cults really started to make sense. Sometimes you have someone who's clearly got his totalitarian vision right from the getgo (ie Hitler, or some guy who starts a cult explicitly because he wants power), but in other cases it seems to be this weird feedback loop. The leader is initially just flirting with an idea as a means to an end, and that works up something in a segment of the public, and that slowly pushes the leader deeper & deeper into the role, even if he initially might not have intended for things to go as far as they did. I think the internet has given rise to this new kind of of meme fascism, where it isn't an actual person embodying the role of the leader any more - it's an abstract idea represented by memes & social media hubs. The userbase gets hyped up by these ideas, which in turn inspires them to create more memes advocating for more radical ideas. Initially hitler posting would have just been teenagers engaging in lazy shock humour, but over time it becomes increasingly sincere as individuals start to take on the character
  8. shit this is all starting to make sense now. if all i saw all day were pol memes i'd probably be going "yeah this seems like it could only be the product of a culture controlled by a secret cabal of satanist lizards from space"
  9. yeah the whole "we represent a wise paternal force that only wants what's best for humanity" angle would work better if 98% of the dissident right didn't feel like millenials mad that the norman rockwell life might not be in the cards for them, or zoomers who want call of duty white ops irl. there's probably a small contingent (of men & women) who really do just want to get married, move out to a farmhouse, read the bible & have 6 kids. But if they're being honest about it they probably aren't shitposting on the internet that much
  10. see this right here is where there'd be a fundamental breakdown in communication. because as far as i can tell the sales pitch for authoritarian states, fascism, the trad movement etc is something like "people aren't very good at making decisions for themselves *gestures vaguely in the direction of neoliberalism*. Clearly there are manipulative financial interests attempting to hijack your pre-rational instincts, to offer up things which will always appeal to you in the moment, but will ultimately serve only to make your life deteriorate. Even though in the moment it feels like you want freedom of choice, in the long run you'd be better off if a strong authority figure (God, the leader, the state) made sure that you were disciplined to maintain a healthy & righteous lifestyle" So, for someone who is drawn to that lifestyle, the idea that women or children might say they want freedom to leave isn't evidence that that's what would help them in the long run. The man drawn to this line of thinking feels like he needs to be the bad guy, he needs to be the strong patriach who keeps them in line - and, in turn, he himself needs a strong disciplinary social structure that can mold him into that strong patriach figure instead of being a fat sack of shit who collects funko pops. I can see why there's a (fairly strong) correlation between weightlifting & far right politics, because weight lifting presents exactly this sort of scenario. You have to give up comfort in the moment in order to achieve a longterm result that's satisfying (instead of giving into momentary hedonic pleasures & becoming physically unhealthy as a result). The temptation is to extend this line of thinking to every area of life, rather than taking a more nuanced approach (the very idea of nuance is regarded supiciously, as some kind of liberal intellectual swindle designed to smother your vital energy)
  11. *that british chef guy who swears a lot voice* finally, some good fuckin frontpage content
  12. realistically yeah, if the demographic shift in america continues along it's current trajectory. you're gonna have a lot of white people going "this is fine", but you're also also going to have a significant contingent (mostly disenfranchised young men) who feel like their existence is under threat (tbf a lot of the toxic masculinity callout culture of the last decade was pretty hamhanded, so i can see why young guys already in a bad place emotionally would take it as a personal attack). also for many the idea of white supremacy, neopaganism, tradism etc is seen as being the only way of authentically pushing back against globalist financial capital & the complete dissolution of any sort of meaningful distinction between individuals or groups. basically imo i think shit's gonna be increasingly cray for pretty much the rest of our salad years
  13. Hamburger Hinderer. It was a spinoff product briefly marketed by Betty Croker in the early 1990s in an attempt to capitalize on grunge culture. Instead of being a box of noodles & tasty cheese sauce, it was just a package of powder which caused green film to grow on your hamburgers. Had to be recalled after some kids accidentally ingested it & formed the band which would later be known as jamiroquai
  14. yeah this. marx did one of the most thorough examinations of capitalist society of all time, and it's a testament to his work how much of it holds up today. but it is still a body of work from the mid 19th century, so if your goal is to really get familiar with the nitty gritty of economics it'd be silly to limit yourself to marx or his disciples (just like imo it would be silly to totally ignore him). my frustration with some communists (and obviously you could apply this to most kinds of political ideologue) is when they engage in vague utopianism, spinning yarns about the perfect society that's going to emerge after the fall of the capitalist engine (especially if they suggest that china is going to spearhead this effort). to me it's the societal equivalent of when a guy talks about all the stuff he'll accomplish once he "gets his shit together", but nothing ever changes in his day to day life. As stated in previous threads I'm certainly open to socialism as a societal model but I harbour no illusions about it being the ultimate solution to humanity's woes
  15. Nick Fuentes, one of the main guys behind AF, is 22 years old. There's a non-zero cahnce he could have been inspired by that game (also whenever I think of AF i try to keep in mind that it's run by ppl who probably would have been the 6 year olds calling my brother a bitch on xbox live back in the day). Also whenever I see photos of contemporary San Francisco I get the urge to go to the nearest park with a garbage bag & spend the afternoon cleaning up trash
  16. *old timey southern gentleman in a white suit voice* See now the the humble lamb, left to his own devices, becomes weighed down by his own productive output. That woolen coat, so profitable in the hands of he for whom the percuniary instincts have fully developed, serves as little more than a nuissance for our ruminant friend here, a sweltering entrapment he must carry wherver he goes beneath this cruel Virginia Sun *pours another shot of whiskey, stares off at the distant trees rustling in the breeze*...Gentlemen, I offer up to you the hypothesis that the humble workmen we take into our proprietorship are of a similar nature. Left to their own devices, they abound with a certain animal virility which knows no purpose, and for that reason is wont to seek out every kind of lowly vice & toxic rumination. Under our overseeing guidance, however, the workman finally knows peace - his talents are put to productive ends, and he himself is finally free of the torments of that demon known as Idle Thought. He knows only the contented exhaustion of a man who has put in a good day's work
  17. Karl Marx, wringing tears & potato chips out of his beard: it wasn't supposed to be like this...communism was supposed to be about SMOKING WEED and NOT HAVING PEOPLE MAKE FUN OF YOU FOR WEARING SWEATPANTS WHEN YOU GO TO BUY CANNED HERRING AT DOLLARAMA
  18. if marx were alive today he would vape real talk tho i feel like my relationship with marx's work is like when there's some mega-popular indie musician who you secretly think makes good stuff, but you can't say it out loud because you don't want to associate yourself with the fanbase
  19. Cryptowen

    Now Reading

    main ones i'm reading rn are joseph schumpeter's capitalism, socialism, and democracy and lewis mumford's technics & civilization schumpeter gets pretty dry when he gets into technical detail but he does a great job of acting like a wet blanket to pretty much every kind of ideological utopianism. when he gets to the section on democracy, after the first chapter i was like "holy fuck schumpeter put the baseball bat away, he's already dead". and schumpeter (wiping sweat from his brow) replied, "sorry friend, but the people want hamburger helper for dinner" not super far into the mumford text but it's good so far. feels like it's in the same general realm as ellul, spengler, gebser, maybe a bit of heidegger. nothing radically shocking yet but he does a very good job of consolidating abstract concepts (the kind outlined by the ppl i just mentioned) into a more straightforward 20th century american materialist point of view. his treatment of soldiers feels kinda one-dimensional but other than that no complaints
  20. https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/trucks-with-megaphones-will-encourage-montrealers-to-get-vaccinated-this-weekend-minister-says-1.5390688 somebody better be sampling this
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