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Everything posted by Cryptowen

  1. been kinda into things that don't go anywhere lately, and no i'm not just talking about my love life
  2. this track has a very positive energy to it. i was actually smiling listening to it, another nice break from really heavy/moody energy that seems to prevade so much art these days. also feels like it'd be pretty easy to extend it out if you wanted to - could basically go a long ways just with the parts you introduced in this clip, dropping things in & out.
  3. that new one has an interesting sound palette - it juxtaposes a lot of tones I don't normally hear being used together on the same piece, to the point where my brain's usual 'good track/bad track' metrics don't feel like they apply. basically just had to listen to it as an immediate experience, which was nice - that happens less often with music, the older i get the one at the start of the thread is quite nice! it has the same sort of tonal feel but a much more conventional structure.
  4. You wake up tomorrow & you've magically teleported back in time to the day you joined WATMM, your present day mind waking up in your past body basically. What do you do? Doesn't have to be WATMM-related, can be as short term or long term as you want
  5. real poop burrito or shit sandwich menu we're looking at here fellas
  6. the sadboy to healthgoth pipeline
  7. those reptile bastards have already taken everything else away in the last year, they're not going to take away my navel gazing amateur philosophy posting now too unless its xtro, that guy's okay
  8. this is very true. often i feel like i'm living at this awkward in between stage of human evolution - we've gotten too brainy to just be able to live purely as animals/sensual beings any more, but we're also nowhere near the point of existing as wholly decorporealized beings of pure consciousness or whatever. a lot of life feels like an attempt to approximate one pole or the other. You exercise, you spend time in nature, you have sex, you eat a nice meal - always trying to forge some kind of total connection with your own physicality/the physical as such. or you're trying to reach this higher plane of enlightenment through meditation, spirituality, philosophy, art, media, etc. - trying to inhabit as much as possible some kind of abstract idea realm where the thing you're thinking about becomes more "you" than the decaying physical body generating the thought. The difficulty is that often attempting to actively move towards one pole seems to involve neglecting the other, and too rarely does it feel like that little "a ha" lightbulb moment where everything clicks together nicely
  9. Cryptowen

    afx nft

    following afx twin nft scandal watmm officially declares itself a dj khalid discussion forum, to be rebranded as WTBMM
  10. Yeah this is another suspicion I have (again, having never participated directly in the online dating scene). Probably there are a lot of "normal" guys on dating apps, but you'd also have a fair share of A. really socially maladjusted men who otherwise would never approach a girl romantically, who probably are going to do a terrible job at it B. sociopaths who are basically using the app to efficiently act out some kind of weird control fantasy, and are probably very active compared to the average man So it might not even be that they make up a huge percentage of the userbase, but they're likely the ones doing the most to draw (negative) attention to themselves
  11. Cryptowen

    afx nft

    *guy from jersey with breathing problems voice* only ehn-ef-tee i wanna heah about iza nice fuckin tortalini, am i right tony?
  12. I once had a girl say she would jump off a roof if I broke contact with her. Didn't feel super great tbh
  13. i always write in a highfalutin fashion. sometimes this results in spelling mistakes because i am of course writing all my posts by getting high & playing a flute into a text-to-speech program
  14. Yah this resonates. I've always stayed far away from dating sites (and social media, and actively promoting my music) because that's been my perception of it (given weight by any actual interactions I've had) - this generally unpleasant, artificial thing which you engage with hoping for some kind of distinctly "human" experience, but generally all it serves to do is to make you weary of the human experience more broadly. I should point out that i don't feel particularly down about not pursuing serious relationships. I've always been someone who feels quite comfortable being alone. Obviously my ideal wouldn't be a hermit my whole life, to just passively watch the world go by. But so much of the social landscape as its been presented to me just feels like a half measure -dating, "hanging out", playing shows, going to restaurants, etc. None of it feels like it carries any weight to me. If I'm going to interact with the world I feel like I want to be contributing my energy to something that actually has transformative potential. I don't know what that looks like. I've just never been terribly interested in having fun. I guess what i'm trying to say is that all my life I was told that eventually I'd find my place in society, I'd find a comfortable spot to settle down. But the older I get the more it feels like the opposite is occuring - "society" as it current exists feels like something increasingly alien being imposed upon me, which I must actively resist. And I feel like I'm far from the only person under 50 who feels that way.
  15. that feels like a good way of putting it. honestly i've never had a "serious" relationship, ie live-in partner, talk of the long term future, shitting with the door open etc. I've had girlfriends but I always end up pulling the plug fairly early on. I dunno, it just always feels like there's this performative quality to it, like i'm just doing this to carry out some kind of standardized social function rather than because i actually want/need anything from the person (lol i realize this isn't helping to combat xox's charge of narcissism)
  16. one time i was sleeping behind a building & woke up to find a skunk licking my bare heel. didn't know my boy pepe le pew was into foot stuff
  17. dunno how i feel about aromanticism. cuz on the onehand i kinda view romanticism itself as this performative construct, a cultural imperative that doesn't correspond to some objective universal truth or even to the totality of interesting possibilities for how to live a human life (life singular or in the context of exploring interpersonal dynamics). but the recent popular trend of aromanticism is just a second-level abstraction off of that. it isn't a return to a more open, undefined space of exploratory potentiality. rather, like so many contemporary deconstructions, it primarily defines itself in terms of what it negates rather than the spaces of potential it opens up. the aromantic 30something bears no concern for those antiquated institutions of yesteryear. he's got it figured out. he's focusing on himself, his career, his happiness. if he gets with someone its always on his terms. its a game. he's detached. he's proud of his commitment to lack of commitment. but always there remains this sense that he is a ruffian of sorts, a high plains drifter who moves in the shadows, scavenging sustinence from off the back of the cart like some kind of sexual raccoon and yet when i'm being honest with myself i recognize that i feel nothing in these interpersonal zones. the appealing bits appeal to me like clouds appeal to me, like climbing hills, like burning palo santo. no desire for intricate connection. no desire to make known some inner self. no sense of an inner self. i don't want some fairytale vision of the past. i want further mutation
  18. yes because u will be held up as the aspirational model for the masses, the battering ram employed by big dollar, the devil on the shoulder continuously talking over any will to virtue that attempts to re-emerge amongst the atomized population
  19. does it still count as degeneracy if you're interested in dissolving a social order predicated on post-structuralism
  20. I was a little skeptical: the dialogue in the first few minutes was kinda cheesy, but as soon as they start doing the visual fx shots its *chef kissing fingers gesture*. And I appreciate how the rather intricate backstory is revealed mostly with a couple throwaway details. Also whenever I watch science fiction stuff like this it makes me want to do an album that's all intense industrial & space gun noises. no more of this chill beats to heat your meat to bullshit smdh
  21. At the very least I feel like Salad Fingers must be the most iconic series to come out of that era of mid 00s flash cartoons. What else would come close? Homestar Runner, Happy Tree Friends, maybe something by Weebl's Stuff...but yeah I'd say Salad Fingers is like the Simpsons of weird internet cartoons millenials would watch during middle school computer class when they were supposed to be learning how to make a powerpoint
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