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Everything posted by Cryptowen

  1. hey guys have you heard my new vapourwave band it's called @$*%&YTGH(OJ@
  2. Listening to http://beerontherug.bandcamp.com/album/timetimetime-time right now & digging it pretty well So, was Replica responsible for the current wave of weird ultra-minimal sample loop music, or just one of the more prominent releases of the sort in the last few years?
  3. I find as time goes on I care less about how much effort/emotional honesty was put into a piece, & more about the reaction it provokes in me. Like, if there was some guy who just took a bunch of top 40 songs & clipped 30 second samples out of them, & put them in sequence without any editing, & people were calling him a genius, I'd probably still give it a chance if the results sounded interesting Based on the few samples I've heard I...kinda...like this stuff. I mean, some of it's a little too dry & sampley for the sake of it, but there's some nice tapey weirdness hidden in there as well
  4. man this stuff sucks it's just looping one weird old tape samples forever, as opposed to the good kind of music that loops the same 3 monophonic synthesizer notes forever (but for seriously this is one of the best album covers i've seen in ages)
  5. Based on the title I thought this would be a genre based around albums that never actually get released, but the creators release 10 second samples every 5 years or so & millions of fans maintain that this one'll be a game changer as soon as it's out
  6. yeah, i was never too much a fan of twd but this season has been a pretty big improvement so far, I mean it still mostly feels like dumb entertainment but at least now it's entertaining
  7. apparently next week is the midseason finale. my prediction is that the big cliffhanger will be
  8. Pretty good soundtrack in the last part of this episode also I was sure this was the midseason finale until the end credits, when dude was like NEXT WEEK ON AMC'S THE WANKING DAD
  9. it would be seriously cool to have more non-dance/ambient/experimental electronic music in EKT but yeah I like this, reminds me a bit of Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet
  10. Trying to pare down the huge backlog of photos I took this summer before I go out taking more. This is one of them... Ragner asked me to draw something for a track of his so I did Drew this yesterday & it was originally like 20 panels long but it felt like it was getting to preachy so
  11. Battles - Mirrored I know I'm about five years late on this but I found it recently & am quite digging it. Shame the vocalist left after this album - the weird pitchshifted singing is by far my favourite element, & when I was first listening to Atlas to decide if I should check them out, that was what pushed it from "p.good tribalish math rock" to "omg this is amazon"
  12. Richard Swagner, a contemporary of YOLOhannes Brohms
  13. The telephone nightmare noises in the background of the calls were the best part of the last episode. I'd listen to an entire album of that.
  14. I forget if I posted this one aaaaaaannnndddd (bigger version on tumblr)
  15. My interpretation wazzat it was a zombie that et her & Rick was half tempted to cut it open & salvage the undigested lori-bits, but then he was like "nah that's just nasty" & chose to merely stab it a bunch
  16. One of the Governor's dudes shoots her from behind while she's carrying the baby
  17. Haven't drawn much lately because I've been hella into music making but here's something Like I said on my tumblr I'm thinking of doing a cube drawing for every electronic track on my next album & an actual drawing for every not-electronic track there's gonna be like 60+ tracks because every one is 30 seconds long
  18. Watching through the sopranos for the first time. Up to "Pine Barrens" Enjoying it pretty well but even though it's only a decade(ish) old it shows its age sometimes compared to more recent tv dramas (not necessarily a bad thing just interesting how quickly certain aspects of culture move on)
  19. Death is to a comic book character what a slightly prolonged dump is to someone in our world
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