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Everything posted by Stock

  1. An interesting thing about those drawings is that it's not a Rabelais thing but most probably a random dude taking advantage of Rabelais' name and popularity at that time... ...and it makes it even more OPN-ey
  2. By the way I just found a digital free access copy of Les Songes Drôlatiques de Pantagruel (from where the weird ecco harvest etc. drawings are) : http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b84524043/f11.item There are 120 of them lol and they all look awesome !
  3. Holy shit the "custom printed plastic bag" thing looks awesome. Can't wait !!!
  4. Session 1 is the one I go back to the most (yet). And I realized how impressive the reverb work on Gonk Steady was. Even by Autechrian standards it's out of this world!
  5. Came here to post the myriad thing OPN put on his Instagram story but Donervan already made it his avatar lol. Daniel puts so much thing on his story, it's a gold mine really.
  6. Monster Hunter Generations is coming to Switch. Might my first MH game ever, and people seem happy about the announcement !
  7. Warning sounds intense!!! I fear that the album will be too "mellow" but this track is a step in the eight direction, at least to my ears!
  8. e0 clicked so hard this afternoon it made following tracks of Session 2 sound boring !
  9. https://ithasntleaked.net/2018/oneohtrix-point-never-age-of/#container-bottom Answer's no. But iirc GoD leaked very early before album's release ?
  10. Just experienced the transition from 32a_reflected to elyc9 and it's mind-blowing. I really hope they will be on the same side of the vinyl edition!
  11. Black Snow finally clicked a few days ago despite not blowing my mind like G.o.D. previews did. But as someone else said, same thing happened to me with Problem Areas ! Still, the fact that the album is described as "his most cohesive work to date" is really interesting since Black Snow is extremely different than the myriad trailer/instagram sneak peeks !
  12. Yeah I said it... and I did it! Woo!!! **sassy Mrs. Pancakes voice** You don't know me! =P But I'm over it now... I fell asleep listening to Session 1 (at regular speed) - and it set me straight. =P Regular speed? Pfffff you're such a normie! [emoji14]
  13. Today's the first Thursday without a new session so let's turn this thread into a support group for sad fanboys. I'll start with some good news : I finally heard the cat in t1a1!
  14. i saw it recently but the review seemed to gripe about the fact that there was no cloud backup/export feature. didn't realize you could do remote collabs. i'm interested in it if it's possible. looked it up on the korg site and didn't see anything about any easy way to collab remotely. demo videos is all pretty vague. supposedly the only way to export audio is to record from the line out -_- Yeah looks like I misread the info on their website. You can work on a song on a split-screen mode up to 4 players, and you can also send/receive song files from a Switch to another (which could be a way to collab on a track, although I don't know if you can really send tracks where you want or if it's just some local emission which would be rather shitty). However I really like that software despite all its limitations. It's exactly what I wanted it to be : a self-contained virtual studio within my Switch. It doesn't sound that bad and it's quite fun imho ! EDIT : and yeah you can only record the line out audio, which sucks but I assume this is more Nintendo's fault and I don't expect it to be fixed !
  15. Another OPN itw with Dazed where he talks about the Myriad lore, collabs stuff like that. First paragraph is the same thing about that glassy house in the middle of nowhere but then he develops on something else! http://www.dazeddigital.com/music/article/39904/1/oneohtrix-point-never-age-of-interview?amp=1#click=https://t.co/35lanu6Sm6
  16. Regarding NTS as possibly being an introduction to Ae : yesterday a friend of mine asked me what kind of music Autechre did. I gave her a listen of Bike and then said that they evolved a lot and put tt1pd. Well she wrote down the name of the track and I was quite surprised that she could enjoy it so immediately (she isn't into IDM at all btw)
  17. Didn't want to open another thread for that but anybody here grabbed Korg Gadget on Switch? I'd love to collaborate with some WATMMers on tracks over the web!
  18. I just dreamt that I went to the Myriad show lol. OPN stood on scene and read poetry of his own. In between they played tracks which were awesome. Then shit got weird : an alien laser beam which was part of the show turned people into melted cheese and the gig ended with an OPN remix of a popular french song (La Maladie d'Amour for those in the know lol)
  19. I couldn't listen to all end when it first aired but read the opinions here and was ready to be disappointed, especially since I usually don't like ambient and absolutely hate veeeeery long/"minimal" works. But all end was just awesome. It moves and evolves a lot, and I just love the Altibzz-like "brass" bass!!! On a side note, I'm glad that WATMM agreed about column thirteen being the best NTS track :D
  20. For real where did the time go?¡?Well I don't know, tbh time always fly when I experience an orgasm so...
  21. That oversteppy track really showed how comfortable they now are working on long tracks rather than shorter, album formatted tracks. As a listener I really think that's just incredible
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