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Everything posted by Stock

  1. Totally sounds like that imo. They have been working on their custom software for live stuff for so long, I'm pretty sure playing live on a radio is as simple for them as blasting elseq outtakes mp3s
  2. The main problem here is having a shirt with the word BONDAGE written on your back in big bold letters
  3. Agree with you. That + I expected some deluxe packaging or whatever coming from Warp, at least a 2 x LP pressing. I don't know if that's relevant but when asked on Twitter if a single was to be released he answered : 2016-2018s worth of things to get as we near release date, and beyond. (https://t.co/pllwtVbW8Q)
  4. What ? Can't find it...Too bad, I was very looking forward to some more Pond Material :(
  5. Tempted to go and see the Myriad show at the Barbican. Is the place as awesome as it looks ? I never managed to attempt an OPN gig despite being a huge fan of his work so I guess that would like catch up on all the shows I missed so far
  6. Really can't wait to hear their 2 hours "Enlightenment" Christian house mix!
  7. Just received that mail, looks like 2h radio sessions every Thursdays of April. Looks like another variation of their radio show format... Hopefully this will mean new material coming soon :D!!!
  8. Just gave that album a listen today and well it had been a while since I didn't enjoy a braindance album that much. You nailed it ! Thank you for the music
  9. Seems like there's a Nintendo Direct coming tomorrow https://www.nintendo.com/nintendo-direct/03-08-2018/
  10. And don't forget the Dark Souls remaster when it comes out in may
  11. Yeah saw that early this morning. Modular prices are so crazy that it didn't even surprised me. Not to mention last time I saw a modular coming from Moog it was the Emerson one sold at 150000$ lol
  12. Speaking of which, since DS3 is really cheap if I suscribe to Humble Monthly I was wondering if it would be cool getting it now KNOWING THAT I'll buy the remastered version for Switch on day one ? I mean, would it ruin my experience of DS1 if I play the third episode first ?
  13. Hell thank you for reminding me of that ! I loved Risk of Rain and was really hyped when they first posted something about the follow up but I haven't been reading anything since ! Very happy to see they're on post #9 !!!
  14. Ha! It might be of some help yeah! But seriously I think it's what kept me from buying CDs ever since. Will post if I happen to open it one of these days :D And just to answer OP's question, it's the Bleep 10 CD.
  15. Last time was two years ago and it had been a while. I bought some cds I'm Japan, local bands or just Japanese editions. Some are still not opened. Spotify + vinyls killed CDs for me, althought I used to buy loads and loads of CDs!
  16. I think that's an awesome idea, if the pricing is good and not full of micro transactions and if it has a good match making I could totally see this becoming the next Pokemon go!
  17. Darkest Dungeon is the first indie game that interests me less on switch than it did on PC. Probably won't buy it again, it's a great game but not one I'm willing to play laying in bed/sitting on a toilet
  18. It's one of the only Exai tracks that I come back to pretty often. This album still hasn't clicked yet. And since they released Elseq, it feels to me as if every track from Exai sound muffled, lo-fi, and not in a pleasant way (although it blew my mind 4 years ago lol)
  19. Never played any Dark Souls game before but heard you guys talk about it so much over here I'll buy the switch version for sure. Can't wait to discover what makes this game so special ! I'm also discovering The Escapists 2. Looks like a lot of fun, will probably be a lot more when the missus will agree to give the co-op a try though !
  20. Yeah same thing here I missed the first entry because we were moving out with my GF. The "studio" has yet to be relocated too lol but hopefully this will lead to something for the next weeks!
  21. Should we arrange a burial? EDIT: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger! Lol hahaha
  22. I found a MS2000R for 180€ at a pawn shop in my hometown...I'm trying to resist the urge to take it before someone else does but I don't know if I should cave in or not. Don't really know if that would be a useful addition to my setup or not but the simple fact of it being very cheap is quite appealing lol. On the other hand, the father of a friend of mine told me he had a synth lying around. Turns out it's a Roland JX8P and it's pretty cool because he's OK to sell it for me so I'll see which polysynth I'll end up getting I guess
  23. Yes ! And it's a total game changer. You start thinking about the game in a whole different way when you know you have the possibility to reroll things. It feels like cheating at first but it's really helpful when you stretch fighting stronger bosses etc - and you avoid overly long runs which are kinda boring !!
  24. Great moment :) it was so cathartic. it took me 15 hours of time investment to really get the hang of this game (yes, I am a responsible grown man). finally started to get it. now I've killed Mom's Heart about 5-6 times and killed the Devil twice. Azazel is the business, he's my preferred character now. one time I got this ridiculous combination with him where his attack was this giant ever-present circle that could move around the room and wipe everything in it out in 2-3 seconds. I read someone itt say ages ago that the game is a bit too random though and I actually agree. some runs you just know are going to be wasted because you just haven't lucked into the right combo. That's the part where you start holding "R" to reroll your run if your starting item feels too weak (which quickly turns into "if your starting item isn't OP") !
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