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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. BCM

    Go Corbyn

    they weren't though, people saw through it and didn't trust corbyn. the nationalisation of rail was probably his most popular policy, but still there are many people who doubted it would improve anything, and also many people who remembered the rail service when it used to be nationalised and was badly run. but I will concede that rail nationalisation, if done correctly, is generally a popular policy. the whole free broadband thing, and all the other very costly policies were pie in the sky, and the electorate knew it. the messaging on the doorstep was one of huge distrust in corbyn (and most of his team), and a real fear that his radical agenda would cause more damage to the UK than brexit. he was seen as worse and less trustworthy than boris - that's got to tell you something. people by and large disliked corbyn and didn't believe in him.
  2. BCM

    Go Corbyn

    the lib dems over here are not as bad as the above FDP example (imo) and have always seemed to me like an acceptable middle ground between conservative and labour, who look at policy making pragmatically and can take ideas from both the left and right that might actually work. not so idealistic, more practical and sensible. just my view... of course there will always be older lefties and socialists and young people who love the tories - lots of shades of grey here, but generally speaking i'd stand by my assertions.
  3. BCM

    Go Corbyn

    i think you might be generalising quite a lot there beer badger. young people, especially first time voters always tend to favour the left. and i can understand why, often you're skint when you're young, and frustrated with the way the world works etc. it all seems (and generally is) very unfair. socialist and far leftist policies just sound so good in principle - free stuff, cheaper everything, easier access to housing and wealth generally. of course younger people vote for that. it's not until you get to your mid-thirties and forties that you realise a lot of the socialist ideals and policies are unlikely to work, or will in fact now make you poorer (now you've been working for a few decades, probably own a house, maybe have some savings or shares etc.) and you don't want to be much poorer coz you've spent the last 20 years getting un-poor and finally feel you're getting somewhere. so you vote tory, or if you're a bit more pragmatic like me, try going somewhere down the middle and vote lib dem.
  4. BCM

    Go Corbyn

    the world is withdrawing and pulling up drawbridges (well some of it is) as a method of dealing with the almost certain environmental, social and humanitarian disaster that is on the way in the next few decades. UK's gone the Children of Men route and it really wouldn't surprise me if we built a big wall around the island at some point. seriously... US is going the same route, expect Trump to win another term.
  5. hmmm thanks, I'll stick with it...I am actually playing The Witcher 3 on Nintendo Switch currently but am admittedly not very far into it
  6. BCM

    Go Corbyn

    remember when they used to call ed miliband "red ed" because they thought he was too left wing. lol.
  7. am i missing something with this show? watched 4 episodes, none of it makes any sense. the continuity and story seems all messed up? is it jumping around in time? why are people who died turning up again? what the fuck is going on?
  8. I don't give a fuck, this is a fucking tune
  9. pretty fucking wicked mate
  10. BCM


    some remasters...
  11. BCM


  12. BCM

    Go Corbyn

    Corbyn proper fucked it.
  13. BCM


    "I don't give a fuck mate" https://acidenvmod.bandcamp.com/track/ton-of-weed
  14. BCM


    TWAT https://acidenvmod.bandcamp.com/track/minimum-gyro
  15. BCM


    classic codman https://envmodrecords.bandcamp.com/track/beak
  16. BCM


    Oi you know that bit in Raiders of the Lost Ark when the Nazis have captured the Ark and it's in like, a wooden container with some sort of Nazi sigil on it, and then that well wicked bassy God acid shit comes in and like, burns off the Nazi sign. That's the inspiration for this track. http://acidenvmod.bandcamp.com/track/untitled
  17. in the dystopian mad max style future we're almost certainly headed for, having a personal fortress car will be a way of life.
  18. in the dystopian mad max style future we're almost certainly headed for, hitting pedestrians and doing maximum damage will be a way of life.
  19. looks good! probably end up getting one
  20. so happy he's gone back to proper squarepusher style, sounds fucking wicked. bundle ordered!
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