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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. Haha aha ahahaha....ha :( He's disappeared again hasn't he?
  2. BCM

    Brexit :(

    I've got a feeling we're going to see Boris revoke Article 50. I know that sounds mad.
  3. BCM

    Brexit :(

    i have no idea what is happening. we've asked for an extension (unsigned letter lol, as if that somehow makes it void) but we're still definitely leaving this month. wtf? this deal wasn't brilliant but i kinda wish it'd got through and we could finally have moved on. so now who knows what will happen - prob second ref? general election? but both of those will probably just come out a confused mess with still no clear direction one way or the other. it's fucked man, totally fucked - never going to be resolved ever. like, even if we do come out, there'll be a campaign to take us back in. it's fucking never ending...
  4. BCM

    Brexit :(

    obvs was being flippant, but we do like to moan... especially about the EU
  5. BCM

    Brexit :(

    and you say I sound like a cunt...I've had nothing, been dirt poor, not eaten for close to 3 weeks because I had literally nothing, no electricity, heating or light. I lived like this for many years in my twenties and finally got my shit together when I was about 35. I've worked fucking hard for what i have now, and despite what people might think, I'm not from a privileged background or anything like that. I'm not going to let some fucking idiots jeopardise that because they're jealous or some other stupid shit.
  6. never had a problem with bleep personally, always been good service.
  7. BCM

    Brexit :(

    lol I don't think there's any reason not to take job offers, or react with incredulity if they are offered - sure things will all work out one way or the other. we (the british) just like to moan a lot... ignore it.
  8. BCM

    Brexit :(

    there are thickos (or at best, wilfully ignorant people) in every class and this has been proven by the result of the referendum and continued appetite amongst a scarily large section of people to still leave the EU. out of interest, what would you define yourself as, and how did you vote in the ref?
  9. BCM

    Brexit :(

    plenty of middle-class people read the daily mail and express... the comment I made about middle-class was tongue-in-cheek and a jibe at cameron's flawed reasoning more than anything else.
  10. BCM

    Brexit :(

    shut up mate, I haven't said that.
  11. BCM

    Brexit :(

    this country is, and always has been full of really quite stupid people who are racist and bigoted because they're thickos. cameron massively misjudged this and thought that everyone was nice and middle-class (or higher) just like him and samantha. unfortunately this is not the case, and of course if you gave "the people" of the UK a say ("the people" being defined by reading the sun, daily mail or express newspapers) they would obviously vote leave. because thick racist, insecure and brainwashed by 30+ years of anti europe propaganda. referendum should absolutely never have happened or been offered as an awful lot of the people given this huge responsibility did not have the intellect or judgement to deal with it.
  12. BCM


    sure mate, i'll IM you a download link [emoji106]
  13. BCM


    oh god i'm so supposed to be...i do actually have maybe 4 or 5 new tracks "nearly" done, but am lacking in inspiration or willpower or some shit, moan moan moan. i need to sort it out, had a few people interested in releasing something lately too...
  14. wow, pretty intense! like the vibe, keep at it :)
  15. BCM

    The Tuss

    lol you guys. i'm not really this grumpy, it's all an act. i'm as much of a fucking idiot as anyone tbf. well, apart from rubin farr obviously.
  16. BCM

    The Tuss

    anyone who doesn't like the tuss is a FUCKING IDIOT.
  17. BCM

    The Tuss

    probably my favourite aphecs music
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