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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. i want pizza for dinner. i shall have pizza for dinner.
  2. this guy has a great life ahead of him, excellent job prospects and a stable future for sure.
  3. BCM

    Brexit :(

    well, i think 2nd time round we would need to caveat that any option voted on needs a clear majority to move forward (e.g at least 5% or something). we would also not be able to ask a binary question (i.e. leave or remain), but would have to put the different leave options on the ballot paper (so you might have leave with no deal, leave with may's deal, leave with norway model etc). so it wouldn't be as simple as just voting to leave again. inevitably in the above scenario, the choice that would gain the biggest majority would be remain.
  4. BCM

    Brexit :(

    2nd ref on the way fingers crossed... hahaha we're staying europe! like an incredibly annoying relative you can't get rid of. just when you thought they were finally going to fuck off, they turn around and tell you they'll be staying another 2 weeks.
  5. BCM

    Brexit :(

    shut the fuck up worms. you're out of your element.
  6. BCM

    Brexit :(

    lol so what if afx posted anything? fuck does he know? he can afford to be idealistic anyway, he's a fucking millionaire. him and his family are gonna be alright whatever happens...same cannot be said for 99% of the rest of the population tho innit.
  7. BCM

    Brexit :(

    i'm back to the "we're not leaving" mindset and am sticking to it now. article 50 will be revoked within 12 months, possibly much sooner.
  8. BCM

    Brexit :(

    well, i have always fancied wearing a codpiece.
  9. Come on now, Nirvana were alright... Agree about Smashing Pumpkins though.
  10. BCM

    Brexit :(

    Nuke the whole site from orbit.
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