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Everything posted by ghOsty

  1. good video essay... it's definitely a worthy entry in the saga
  2. Been playing through Final Fantasy XV lately, I was always a pretty casual FF fan but I'm enjoying this one quite a bit. I watched the Kingsglaive movie before I started to really helped setup the world and immersion (surprisingly decent film as a standalone as well.) I'm liking the more aggressive active combat compared to the old turn-based style, it's pretty fun. I should do a fresh run-through of Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne again sometime soon...
  3. Saw it last night, and yeah sure, you could argue it didn't break any ground or develop anything entirely new in the story, but... it was a really fun Star Wars film, presented it's chapter of the saga well and is definitely a good addition to the series... Also you should have been able to see from a mile away that... I'd say I enjoyed it a little more than Force Awakens, but of course you have to have the previous to have this one. Also RIP Carrie Fisher, she still looked great in this one.
  4. He hasn't beat Dark Souls 3 yet...
  5. Properly revisitng this album, since it oddly came out in the summer and it's now the proper time of year... and fuck me this album is amazing, definitely one of my AOTY's fr metal. that;s the thing, they're not meant to be taken overly seriously, they're just fun, especially live... i love this one off thier first album
  6. Brought my car into the shop this weekend, brake line's been leaking fluid and the light's been on. Thought it'd be a minor repair... Turns out it's a large crack in the brake fluid lines above the fuel tank, meaning they'd have to install a whole new brake line system, and apparently the rear brake rotars a re pretty shot as well. All in all, about $2300 wourth of repair...It's a 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe and I'm pretty sure $2300, is more money than the damn car is worth. I know it needs some other minor repairs here and there as well. It's looking like I might end up trading it in for whatever I can get, and looking for another reliable used car. What also kinda sucks, is that I'm nearing the end of my internship period with my current job and I don't know if they're planning to keep me on board or not (I aim to find out this week). I'm kinda hoping they plan to but at the same time I'm not sure I want to stick around for too long even if they do keep me on, I don't exactly enjoy the job and I know there's better opportunities out there. I was hoping to have a car ready to make myself available for interviews while I job hunted... This is gonna put a pretty big hinderance on that unless I can find a car quick or another job along the bus/train routes. Damnit, this is how people end up stuck at jobs they hate isn't it?
  7. Axe To Fall is probably one of their best... listen to Jane Doe, because it's a fuckin' classic and No Heroes is another fav of thiers. I need to hear the new one.
  8. Just finished South Park: The Fractured But Whole tonight, while it was a good game, with lots of laughs and the combat is definitely more dynamic... I can't help but feel like Stick of Truth was a slightly better game, better story and more laughs. They included a download code for the ps4 version so i might have to jump back and replay to confirm.
  9. ^Sounds like a blast, Kvelertak is fun stuff... Also 2nding Yellow Eyes as being great, I'm really digging the new album! Fuck yeah, new Krallice is always good news, that artwork is great, fits thier sound a lot i think. Bright and colorful, but still with ominous shadows.
  10. Anyone played the new South Park game? If so, how is it?
  11. yeah okay aux... look ,discussion is fine, I'm not arguing that, nor am i aiming to pick a fight with you... but maybe the next time you don't like a particular post, either ignore it or keep it analytical rather than outright bashing it with "track sucks" the loose 7/8 is exactly why I find it possible to lose the one on, hence why i posted it... it's no one's job to cater to your particular tastes ;)
  12. I liked Code Orange more when they were still Code Orange Kids.. lot more of the hardcore influence showing through but thier debut was really solid
  13. I didn't enjoy this at all so I didn't analyze it or even finish it but it seemed like maybe it's polyrhythmic? That was my first impression of the meter at least. That doesn't mean you /can't/ lose the one technically, but it does (imo) make that feeling of losing the one sort of moot, at least in some cases. Actually I think that track might be polymetric not polyrhythmic. Whatever. Anyway, the track sucks ;) Funny, I don't remember specifically asking for your analysis or opinion on the track aux... especially if you didn't listen to the whole thing. It's certainly not my favorite track ever by any means, but it's not a bad track imo, it's just VERY minimal. what's interesting about it is how easy it is to lose the one despite it being so minimal, especially later in the track when the other rhythms on top of the main one come into play.
  14. been listening to this album on my morning commute a lot lately, really good stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFd5bnPWPe8&list=PLcJA1NMOQMalgHhE3J7-cIU8QYEPhKcMo Yes, Chihei is great! I've only heard a fraction of his output but what I have heard is amazing stuff... A Long Jouney, Ghostly Garden and Mist are some of my absolute fav ambient albums : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1I__qmtKTbY
  15. this track is particularly easy to lose the 'one' in imo...
  16. The show was the first I'd heard of them, but they definitely won me over quick... Met the vocalist after the Boris set, it was funny cause they're like intimidatingly intense on-stage and off they were all quiet, rather reserved dudes, seemed like only the vocalist spoke English from what I could tell.
  17. Saw Boris perform Dear in it's entirety last Saturday, fucking awesome show... Thier opener was also pretty nuts... Endon, also from Japan...equal parts metal and noise/power electronics: Also been diggin' the new Bell Witch, Mirror Reaper, written as a Eulogy for the original drummer who died, it's beautifully haunting and sad: The latest Archspire, Relentless Mutation fucking RIIIPPS: Monolord, is probably my favorite recent doom act... Rust is a solid 3rd album: and finally, the new Yellow Eyes's latest Immersion Trench Reverie, is some wicked black metal... love these guys;
  18. Made an attempt at the raid with my clan last night in Destiny 2... Fun attempt but fuck me, the garden area is tough as hell, those fucking dogs are ridiculous! We ran out of time for the night before we were able to finish unfortunately but I'm all the more determined to beat it eventually... Maybe this next weekend.
  19. Rolling my eyes, at all the jaded cinephiles in this thread bashing "IT"... Went and saw "IT" yesterday, and I enjoyed it, looking forward to the 2nd part. No, it wasn't the most terrifying horror film I've ever seen, however, I didn't at all expect it to be... I can't speak for how faithful it was to the novel, as I haven't read it. Nor, do I have overly strong memories of the 90s adaptation with Tim Curry, it's been a while since I've seen that one, but from what I remember it wasn't all that spectacular either... maybe it's time to lower the rose-tinted nostalgia goggles. The new adaptation overall was fun, and it had it's creepy moments... (Have we all forgotten how to simply enjoy a movie for being a fun watch, and not necessarily a complex cinematic experience by some wanky auteur?) The atmosphere was done well, the CGI was pretty cool, and I thought the kids did a good job overall. Sure it may have been somewhat like a long episode of Stranger Things, but I enjoyed that series, because it's fun as well, and clearly there's many people who agree. I do plan on reading the novel, and maybe my opinion of the film will change after I complete the novel, but I doubt it...
  20. idiot Wolfenstein, Doom was okay but has like zero replay value.
  21. yeah there's a review somewhere titled "It's Destiny, without the bullshit", which is really apt. No fat, just straight to the chase. There's some annoying issues here and there, and I'm not sure how I feel about it for casual pvp, but otherwise a vast improvement. I'm waiting for the PC port. Any idea why the shit they didn't come out at the same time? =/ Yeah, idk I wish they didn't just come out at the same time... Boo ordered for PC and I've been stuck playing with the headphones on until October as to not spoil anything for her before it comes out. It really is a huge improvement gameplay-wise. The main campaign and additional "adventures" are REALLY well done this time. With a ton of end-game missions and content the first game lacked. There's still a need to grind a bit, but it's done in a much more streamlined and less tedious way, just play and do the normal stuff and you'll be rewarded basically rather than having to spend hours and hours gathering a stupid mineral. The public events and in-game clan systems work well to get people playing together, I've already found a decent clan to play with. Also the sound design and scoring is really well done, the contextual music is implemented really well and the guns and aliens sound great!
  22. City of Minneapolis can't seem to get my fucking address right to send my paystubs to, despite having worked there since May... I've had them correct it TWICE already, even emailing the correct fucking address to the department directly. It's 382 South, 3 8 2 SOUTH... not 328 North, not 382 North, not 328 South... I'd rather not have my personal finances being forwarded all over town. FFS, at least I'm paid via direct deposit or I'd be fucking broke waiting for my money. Let me tell you firsthand, there are some incompetent motherfuckers working in government.
  23. Destiny 2 has me hooked, there's a LOT of improvements over the first game.
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