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Everything posted by ghOsty

  1. Yeah, the art direction is cool as fuck, definitely picking up a physical copy of this.
  2. It's not a bad album by any means, I still enjoy it quite a bit and I think it will continue to grow on me. However, it has a slightly less cohesive feel and there are some weaker moments that in comparison make it seem like a weaker release in comprison to R+7 and GoD, which were both probably his best releases to date.
  3. Hope so, I REALLY want to play that, the trailers have been intriguing as fuck.
  4. Made what will probably be the last order from boo and I's favorite little pub down the street before we move... Nacho Lucy and loaded tots. Guac, pico de gallo, queso fresco, and in "jucy lucy" fashion the patty was stuffed with more queso... so fucking good, gonna miss this place.
  5. DJ We've Updated Our Privacy Policy
  6. agreed, enjoying the album as a whole but that track is def the standout
  7. Malcolm's back that's dumb, griefing like that is just retarded imo, it's so much more rewarding to earn kills legitly, especially in the souls games
  8. So Destiny 2's latest DLC is out it seems, and I couldn't give a shit less. The game is pretty much dead, no one I used to play with still plays. Reviews seem to say it's the same boring grind, locked behind level restirictions/requirements, etc. No new enemies, just the Hive, now with ice!... Man, Bungie has fallen hard. Meanwhile, still making my way through Dad of Boy (God of War) when I get time to play, which continues to be awesome, probably finish it up this weekend. Also gotta jump back and finish up Farcry 5, that I put aside for GoW.
  9. Moving out on the 30th, moving suuuuuuuuuucks. I'm excited to move, but can't wait for this whole process to be over.
  10. ghOsty


    Been feelin the blues again lately, this song came on Pandora the other day... pretty good stuff, need to look more into this guy;
  11. Not really a fan of the rest of this band's stuff, but I really dig the slow bluesy attitude of this song...
  12. It's probably doubled out through an FX loop into octave pedal and into to a bass amp, there's a few doom bands that do that also... New Ekpyrosis EP has taken almost more of a death/doom approach than straightup death of the previous album, but it's still pretty fuckin' gnarly;
  13. A/V teching an event for some federal lawyer group at the hotel this week... Everything's pre-set for them, so I'm essentially being paid to sit at a table and do nothing for 8 hours a day. Easy yes, but also boring as FUUUUUCK, since this is the only event here this week there's literally nothing else to do.
  14. Started watching Mindhunter the other day, about 3 episodes in, this show is great... Very well done, reminds me a bit of Fincher's Zodiac both in subject and cinematography, that's a good thing as that movie was great.
  15. bought an old MC-505 off a coworker for $50, seems to work just fine... feel like I ripped her off but she says it was just collecting dust and she's just happy to give it to a good home.
  16. i have to do a short shift 9pm-1am tomorrow, shouldn't be too hard, but it's fucking late...
  17. Last night, the landlady scheduled an apartment showing for tomorrow and asked us to "tidy up a bit"... we're moving in like 3 weeks, we've begun packing already there's fucking boxes EVERYWHERE. We've made walking paths, but I'm not sure what she expects us to do with them.
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