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Everything posted by Ethel

  1. You'll have many of those in life it's the reason Zero said what he said about maturity I'd reckon. My apologizes if that was not the intent of your comment, Zero. Being young is cool because you're very open to the world as a whole and ready to embrace many things. You'll be like voila I have the answer! Then, you'll hit a point in your life where most come to the conclusion that there are no answers and most ideology etc is bollocks. There's where you essentially enter adulthood. Now you can get stuck in your ways, which some do, so it's a double edged sword (question all things). All I'm trying to say is don't get too wrapped up in your head. The best thing, in my opinion, is to get out and live life. Get into nature,start a sport like skateboarding, or pick one back up you gave up when you were younger. Ask a girl out and get rejected. Ask a girl out and get some culo. Leave the intellectual dribble for eggheads unless that's what you really want to do. Anyways man I've read some of your posts here and at a certain point it all reads as angst. You could probably spend that energy on many much constructive outlets than writing up a anthology worth of text on a message board.
  2. Good dude, backed. I've been thinking of stepping back on a skateboard after almost two handfuls of hiatus. And leave this all behind. For myself and some other quality chaps here I'm sure the writing has been on the wall for a longtime. Friendly Foil and Sup gone. LimpyLoo coming back. WATMM thank your lucky stars you have diatoms.
  3. Man I just Master Roshi'd so hard to that video
  4. Damn, I feel you on this. Not only the weather but the way people treat each other really caused me push hard to get out. Now I'm in Milwaukee Edit: page break... in response to Florida comment
  5. My pleasure to be at your service, sir. Do you happen to know where I can find a Friendly Foil?
  6. "Your nerves are out of order," observed the gentleman, with a carelessly easy, though perfectly polite, air. "You are angry with me even for being able to catch cold, though it happened in a most natural way. I was hurrying then to a diplomatic soiree at the house of a lady of high rank in Petersburg, who was aiming at influence in the Ministry. Well, an evening suit, white tie, gloves, though I was God knows where and had to fly through space to reach your earth.... Of course, it took only an instant, but you know a ray of light from the sun takes full eight minutes, and fancy in an evening suit and open waistcoat. Spirits don't freeze, but when one's in fleshly form, well... in brief, I didn't think, and set off, and you know in those ethereal spaces, in the water that is above the firmament, there's such a frost... at least one can't call it frost, you fancy, 150 degrees below zero! You know the game the village girls play -- they invite the unwary to lick an axe in thirty degrees of frost, the tongue instantly freezes to it and the dupe tears the skin off, so it bleeds. But that's only in 30 degrees, in 150 degrees I imagine it would be enough to put your finger on the axe and it would be the end of it... if only there could be an axe there." "And can there be an axe there?" Ivan interrupted, carelessly and disdainfully. He was exerting himself to the utmost not to believe in the delusion and not to sink into complete insanity "An axe?" the guest interrupted in surprise. "Yes, what would become of an axe there?" Ivan cried suddenly, with a sort of savage and insistent obstinacy. "What would become of an axe in space? Quelle idee! If it were to fall to any distance, it would begin, I think, flying round the earth without knowing why, like a satellite. The astronomers would calculate the rising and the setting of the axe; Gatzuk would put it in his calendar, that's all." "You are stupid, awfully stupid," said Ivan peevishly. "Fib more cleverly or I won't listen. You want to get the better of me by realism, to convince me that you exist, but I don't want to believe you exist! I won't believe it!" "But I am not fibbing, it's all the truth; the truth is unhappily hardly ever amusing. I see you persist in expecting something big of me, and perhaps something fine. That's a great pity, for I only give what I can-"
  7. Sorry, I’ll move it. Was visiting lady friend.
  8. I’ll be the first to say it and accept the shit storm here. I’m anti-abortion. Part of me wants to describe a hypothetical situation to cause some of you to think more deeply on the subject. Part of me wants to throwout some philosophy which would do the same. But I think the most beneficial thing would be for me to post some hard statistics on loneliness ( comes with being single more often than not ) which is rampant in developed countries or the fertility rate in the US. Food for thought: this country, more over the world, didn’t become over populated by - let’s say magic. It became over populated due to consumption, which is akin to avarice. Whether you agree or not is fine. I just want to show not everyone thinks the same. Since, I presume, most of you might have already made up your mind on the subject I’ll stop after this last sentence. If what I’ve written here has even made one of you rethink what you know then I’m happy we had an exchange of understanding. Love & Light Free & Easy
  9. he got bored with IDM and its autists and just stopped coming round. at the time I couldn't really grasp his perspective but now I do. edit: let's not forget his greatest quote, only half tongue-in-cheek Okay, that post is magical.
  10. Post the yo-yo picture, breath some life into this thread for the old heads. I miss sup
  11. Yes, to put it simply, the emergence of post-organic consciousness may end up being seen as just another evolutionary step by our successors. I sometimes imagine them becoming like benevolent caretakers, organizing and maintaining the earth as a kind of animal sanctuary, with humans included in that category. Mother nature is sentient AI we're a scum species capable of unfathomable beauty
  12. lol if you're scared of ultraintelligent AIs just program them so the self-generated code is commented... problem solved... get me on the phone with Musk i have this The comments would probably be near useless. Hidden layers often can't be understood by humans. Unplug it? Stick that shit in a bag of rice. If it survives then unplug it.
  13. Inkke - Faded With Da Kittens grime with a bit of blue velvet
  14. April fools or not talk about a effeminate stance. <---- I'm American btw we're the ideal image of a masculine society. And yes this does exist (fear based) and yes it is weird and things like concept creep and peak shift border on cool af in the realm of weirdness.
  15. So much <3 for this dudes music right now
  16. Ethel


    Pretty much this. Clap! Clap! gets it right Canadian inspired http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSXRhiWVShs
  17. Ethel


    Funnily enough, this is how it goes a lot of the time essentially I was at a gig recently and Mykki Blanco came on and started playing some samey trap stuff. I couldn't get out of there fast enough! It just seems like such a specific, lazy genre Totally see where you could come from with that train of thought with the amount of hype traps gotten and the copious amounts of horribly produced music to back it up. Some good trap in that post, Chim
  18. Under the Skin - on the same page as most on this as well as it being probably the best thing I've watched from this year.
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