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Everything posted by sheatheman

  1. yeah. primer is one of the only time travel movies that works. 9.5/10
  2. meaningless information edit: my stomach lining. relent edit: tonight i'll probably make split pea soup or something of that ilk. my wife made some tortillas couple days ago. it's our most groundbreaking culinary accomplishment in some time. been making them like heck.
  3. Looper probably came about because someone came to someone and said "Hey, lets make Joseph Gordon-Levitt into Bruce Willis." Everything else plot-wise happened out of necessity. netflix? i should have been clearer i meant for buying individual films - sch as holy motors which i believe is in limited theaters and available on VOD. nextflix instant is good for tv and documentaries and some older movies but its also full of shite and if a newish (big studio) film shows up you know its gonna be shit amazon and itunes.
  4. Andy Stott is having first world problems, but he calls them Luxury Problems.
  5. i didn't enjoy looper. i was fun in the beginning, but they really didn't know what they had with paul dano. he should have played a more major part. and there are some pretty major flaws, one scene in particular involving amputation, which was just done because someone thought it was a cool time travel idea, but really makes no sense. sorry to disagree on every turn, but i actually thought they did a pretty good job with the prosthetics. i was watching the siege with denzel washington and bruce willis, and there is this one profile shot of Bruce Willis where he looks exactly like JGL. I think it has to do with how the prosthetics were made. I'm assuming it was aided by a 3D scan of bruce willis' magnificent head, and the profile is the easiest feature to copy as its details are basically two dimensional.
  6. thx u plees. i've been pleasure-delaying this one, but now you've got me so worked up with your gushing review, i'll likely burst u wont regret it troodruth
  7. The Master 8.5/10 Equally as brilliant as There Will be Blood, and equally as maddening. My favorite thing about Paul Thomas Anderson is the way he uses soundtracks. Joaquin Phoenix's character is a drifter in the film, and he has this amazing theme, these meandering, contrapuntal, apocalyptic flutes that fade in and out of audibility. There is this excellent scene where he is wandering towards a sort of party boat, and his theme is in the foreground, but as he approaches, salsa music can be heard coming from the dance floor on the upper deck. So as he gets closer, his internal theme keeps playing, but is slowly being drowned out by the salsa music. But for a long time, both are being played, his indecision about whether or not to sneak onto the boat causing his internal theme to increase in volume before it fades out entirely when he decides to get on the boat. I don't recall diegetic and non diegetic music being used so powerfully and effectively for narrative before. That, and the opening music is just stunning. It's also excellently acted by Phoenix, and almost as excellently by Hoffman, though I hated Amy Adams. She comes to have a much more major role than she should.
  8. I don't like it because it's cute. I like it because it's phenomenological.
  9. Everyone wants to be a producer, no one wants to be a fan. The thing about YLC is that it's an environment where actually imprinting onto a piece of music and loving it is difficult, because people, myself included, have trouble tuning in and really listening. It's more a factor of the internet. Even when I download an album I really love, I still end up listening to something else. It's this restlessness that comes with being able to find anything. When true epiphanies happen are when you cut yourself off from everyone and go half mad. The main point here is that when I really humble myself and become open, I am often surprised by how much I enjoy something obscure that someone with 3 posts posted.
  10. Winter's coming early this year because my scalp is SNOWING!
  11. thatz jus too much man Hairy Taut Chilly Peppep's got a small lol out of me athankyou
  12. you guys are such bad asses. I just got Tides by Arovane. That is one perfect album. ∞/10
  13. the flask reminds me of the absolute vodka bit. "little more, little more."
  14. Sometimes I think I suffer from crippling depression but right now I'm in the thralls of mania. I would say do nothing, sit on the floor and drink water, with the AC off. If you live in a hot place, go for a jog, come home, and just sit on the floor. Do nothing. Listen to the sounds of the dust molecules in your room.
  15. no. you could give me some of that crystal though.
  16. follow the arrows. that's why they're there.
  17. i'm experimenting with a new monitor setup. it is my understanding that the attenuation of the spatial resonant constant can be maximized through this method.
  18. i don't know from physics, but i can throat sing. also you guys, i think elusive is from thousands of years in the future, because he really sounds like a hanar from mass effect. one would like to hear elusive's music. my approach to acoustic treatment is recording the output of my computer speakers with my iphone and uploading that. sometimes i wear a hat made out of egg cartons while i mix, and by mix i mean press "on" on my software compressor.
  19. i was playing "overand" on these huge 1980's kenwood speakers that my roommate had in college. we had such a minimal apartment. i was playing it for a friend, and it sounded so good on those speakers, and he just started to cringe at those really high tones that come in. i never thought they were unpleasant at all, but he couldn't take it. he doesn't know what autechre is though. i've listened to that track on repeat for hours, it puts me in such a specific, open, indifferent state of mind. really good to read to. the whole album is like if autechre kept making songs in the direction of amber and incunabula forever. like if autechre kept making songs hundreds of years into the future with those same production techniques-completely mastered-and tri repetae is just a cherry picked selection of their many thousands of songs. it's hard to pick a favorite album because their catalogue spans from garbage planet brown galaxy colonialism to windy, meditative sky hymns. sometime i think quaristice is my favorite, but then i have a good session with chiasitc slide(hub, calbruc) or confield(parhelic triangle), and i know that a decision can never be made.
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