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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by iococoi

  1. et voilà
  2. Alesis Micron ...i would prefer an Alesis ION though..but they are usually around $500
  3. https://tumblr.mapsbynik.com/post/82791188950/nobody-lives-here-the-nearly-5-million-census https://artplusmarketing.com/nobody-lives-here-united-kingdom-e2f6afdd05c9
  4. i love those old tv baking things..lots of knowledge there Nancy Silverton's breads from the La Brea Bakery..give it a borrow https://archive.org/details/nancysilvertonsb0000silv
  5. those are huge brothers, like 2kg per loaf. a no-knead dough with tiny amount of yeast and around 5% madre-sourdough-starter. last thing i baked was a moro sourdough https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/video/2011/aug/29/how-to-bake-sourdough-bread-video but the recipe in their book is somewhat different. really wet starter and a really wet dough but easy to handle in the end. baked in tins, really nice soft sourdough.. https://ifthatsdinnerivehadit.com/moro-sourdough/
  6. 10000000_147779792578333_2761062353784012800_n.mp4
  7. don't shoot the gluten
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