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was 2001: a space odyssey

Chris Moss Acid

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Guest tv_party

It's funny that this came up. I'm halfway through Solaris right now and I was thinking about this.

I like Solaris so far however the faintly low budget feel intrudes a little at times. The sounds are well amazing though.


Fuck the people with the attention span of a gnat. Too many energy drinks and hard sell seizure inducing rapid fire edits. Go stare at a strobe light.

2001 is too good for you.

And the Ligeti pieces...


Star Wars while great, goes into a different box.

THX-1138 feels closer to 2001 to me.

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my old boss went to see it when it came out in one of those cinemas with three screens around you - he was tripping hard on some blotter acid and swears that it was a religous experience.


also, kubrik was the first person to show on screen that there is no sound in space.

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my old boss went to see it when it came out in one of those cinemas with three screens around you - he was tripping hard on some blotter acid and swears that it was a religous experience.


also, kubrik was the first person to show on screen that there is no sound in space.



I don't think I've ever seen another movie that did that right. I liked the books as well...after reading them I decided the only way I'd ever want to live after I "die" would be a bowman-alien-spirit-being-thing.

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Guest organizedconfusedproject

What's yout theroy about the monolith guys ?

Extraterrestrial or divine origin ?


Oh and I want to add that just before the final scene , there is a reverse image of the bigbang. i read somewhere, that time before bigbang is a really strange thing called imaginary time : events does exist but aren't connected logically with each others. It brings to mind that final scene, nope ?

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Guest earlgrey
What's yout theroy about the monolith guys ?

Extraterrestrial or divine origin ?

i haven't read the books - (didn't it end up being a trilogy?), they probably illuminate that a lot better :undecided:
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Guest organizedconfusedproject

I didn't read the book but saw 2001,obviously, and 2010 (or something like that) aka "2001 2". besides this one is crappy, there is a good explanation to hal9000. In fact he would know since the beginning the goal of the mission, but would have to hide it. And as he's designed not to distord information, it's quite a difficul task to him.

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Guest serpico009
There is also supposed to be an Ender's Game movie with the script written by Orson Scott Card. I have high hopes for that.


Yeah I've been waiting for this for years. I haven't read them in awhile but the first three books in the Ender series were really good and had some interesting, comlicated ideas, especially in the third book on the Path planet with all the time travel business, the Piggies life cycle, the weird pseudo-Japanese ritual, and the...fuck, whatever they called the faster-than-light communication network that spawns a living digital being. Starts with an A...



Anyway, those war game scenes between the kids at the academy would look awesome onscreen, and when he murders that kid in the shower

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Guest serpico009

"THX-1138 feels closer to 2001 to me."


Why doesn't Lucas let a theatrical cut of this be released? I don't mind most of the additions in the DIrector's Cut, but the shots of all these giant trucks and rocket cars driving on superhighways really fucks it up for me. Part of the appeal of the original cut is the sense of claustrophobia and remoteness, but the new cut makes it looks like 3 million people live in an underground Mall of America at times.


The Fountain also seems ot be in the vein of 2001

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  • 1 year later...
Guest assegai

I just caught this on a movie channel for the first time last night from 1:30am-4am.

Which was probably a horrible time of the night to get into a movie this slow moving.

Can someone summarize what the hell I just watched?

I read the wiki and try to piece it together.

Big scifi fan (blade runner, alien, metropolis, brazil etc) however never got around to seeing this.


So the apes are the begging of man, cut to a mission to the moon (weird sounds?), cut to mission to jupiter, computer sabotages mission (tells them their comms are gonna fail, why?), rainbow time travel?


Does this need a couple more viewings?

It looked amazing but I think I was too tired at the time to pick up everything

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Does this need a couple more viewings?

It looked amazing but I think I was too tired at the time to pick up everything


I have seen it probably 10 times and I still don't know everything... its meaning is up to its viewer. Definitely re-visit it.


Weed makes this film better also... it makes the slowness not so slow.. at least for me.

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What's yout theroy about the monolith guys ?

Extraterrestrial or divine origin ?

i haven't read the books - (didn't it end up being a trilogy?), they probably illuminate that a lot better :undecided:


Yes, it was actually a series of four books, but they never made a movie of the third and fourth books:








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Guest JohnTqs

this is my second favorite movie, it blew my mind the first time i saw it. yes it was ahead of its time. it's the best scifi movie ever made

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i would finally buy a blu-ray player just for this movie.


i thought before the big bang was a big crunch. doesnt the universe just expand and contract on itself like a giant organism breathing?

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Guest Adjective

i'm surprised that anyone is only now seeing it


on the documentary from the bluray, Arthur C. Clarke says that the monolith was originally going to be a sort of display and have visuals. that it was supposed to be a sort of teaching tool. he also said that kubrick was never sure how to end it and that if the budget had been greater they would've filmed more and it'd be different.

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Well, having read all four books...


Spoilers - do not read if you don't want to know what the Monolith's purpose was:

The monoliths were created by aliens to initially 'jump-start' human life, and eventually, evaluate the human race at a certain point to see if it is worthy to survive. In the fourth book, the monoliths attempt to wipe out the human race, but end up not succeeding due to HAL, who has merged with Poole from the first book, by infecting the monoliths with a virus.


And that's a really condensed, simplified synopsis and hardly complete, I might add.

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Aurther C Clarke's 2001 and Stanley Kubrick's 2001 are a totally different animal


the movie came out before the book of 2001 and it was based on an Aurther Clarke short The Sentinal


the film was a collaboration between Kubrick and Clarke but i think Kubrick had final say, if you watch promotional stuff from before the movie came out you can tell Clarke was hoping for a lot more of a classic sci fi triumphant space adventure than a cerebral ambient mind fuck movie.


I believe the book 2001 was his chance to 'flesh out some of the aspects of the 2001 movie he felt were not explained enough such as the nature of the Monoliths and what was happening to Bowman as he encountered the larger monolith and exactly why HAL went haywire (in the book it's a much more mundane explanation of contradictory programming, in the film its left unexplained allowing for more emotional resonance imo)


I far prefer the 2001 movie over the book, probably one of the only cases i can say this about a book VS movie

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There is also supposed to be an Ender's Game movie with the script written by Orson Scott Card. I have high hopes for that.


Yeah I've been waiting for this for years. I haven't read them in awhile but the first three books in the Ender series were really good and had some interesting, comlicated ideas, especially in the third book on the Path planet with all the time travel business, the Piggies life cycle, the weird pseudo-Japanese ritual, and the...fuck, whatever they called the faster-than-light communication network that spawns a living digital being. Starts with an A...



Anyway, those war game scenes between the kids at the academy would look awesome onscreen, and when he murders that kid in the shower


i just spotted a graphic novel and/or miniseries of comic boos being made out of Enders Game at the book store the other day

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Guest assegai
Well, having read all four books...


Spoilers - do not read if you don't want to know what the Monolith's purpose was:

The monoliths were created by aliens to initially 'jump-start' human life, and eventually, evaluate the human race at a certain point to see if it is worthy to survive. In the fourth book, the monoliths attempt to wipe out the human race, but end up not succeeding due to HAL, who has merged with Poole from the first book, by infecting the monoliths with a virus.


And that's a really condensed, simplified synopsis and hardly complete, I might add.


So HAL saving the human race completely contradicts the movie 2001?
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Guest thehighwayman


if you haven't already, i strongly recommend you check out rob agers analysis on this film... as well as his decoding of other Kubrick films....

as far as i am aware, nobody has come as close as this guy does, to unravelling the myth of the monolith for Stanley's proposed cinematic interpretation of Clarkes the sentinel..


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