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Guest The Vidiot

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

I just finished Brett Easton Ellis's Glamorama. I read it really quickly and I am going back and reading his books in order next starting with less than zero. BUT I can't say I liked glamorama. Nothing really happened or was explained (for such a long book). the mystery element was underplayed and not that interesting. the main character was annoying. But I must have liked it enough to want to read more of his stuff. i have only read american psycho previously of his.



I am also reading Lawrence Lessig's Republic Lost, but not far enough in to comment on it

Edited by Benedict Cumberbatch
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The whole time I've been reading Infinite Jest I've been wondering why Remy Marathe seemed like such a familiar name and I just now remembered watmm

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currently reading the Lilith's Brood series by Octavia E. Butler. Absolutely fantastic. Truly great. Only on book one but man. So good.




Now i'm reading this and liking it so far, but wondering if it's going anywhere.

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Has anyone read Wool yet?

It's had a few high-profile plugs and I Kindle-borrowed it, but I haven't started. I'm hoping it's something worthwhile.

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Last chapter of Wind up Bird´s chronicle, Murakami

First time Murakami in english, after I read that several books of his were translated from the english version instead of the original.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

Less Than Zero

bored now. least its short.


finished at did not enjoy. nothing happened

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Guest Alfred E. Neuman

Less Than Zero

bored now. least its short.


finished at did not enjoy. nothing happened


I think there's a lot happening.... Anyways, that's BEE's style. You gotta hand it to the man for being only 21 when he wrote it--he had every publisher courting him afterwards. So I guess something happened

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Guest Drahken

Just finished Palahniuk's new one, Snuff. The premise (one girl, 600 guys) is interesting, but the plot meanders. Sort of short. Just ok.




I read this on a flight from NY to Seattle. I still can't eat doritos without thinking about greasy hands and tanning lotion foot prints on the floor.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

Less Than Zero

bored now. least its short.


finished at did not enjoy. nothing happened


I think there's a lot happening.... Anyways, that's BEE's style. You gotta hand it to the man for being only 21 when he wrote it--he had every publisher courting him afterwards. So I guess something happened


i think he was 19. and in that respect yes its well written. i just expected more. the wiki page actually makes it sound interesting but reading it i didnt enjoy it. it was like a big build up to a big nothing.


anyway onwards to rules of attraction



i read that he was planning an american psycho sequel book next. he loves revisiting his characters. via twitter

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Guest Alfred E. Neuman

Less Than Zero

bored now. least its short.


finished at did not enjoy. nothing happened


I think there's a lot happening.... Anyways, that's BEE's style. You gotta hand it to the man for being only 21 when he wrote it--he had every publisher courting him afterwards. So I guess something happened


i think he was 19. and in that respect yes its well written. i just expected more. the wiki page actually makes it sound interesting but reading it i didnt enjoy it. it was like a big build up to a big nothing.


anyway onwards to rules of attraction



i read that he was planning an american psycho sequel book next. he loves revisiting his characters. via twitter


The snuff flm part in LTZ was intense! Do yourself a favour and read Glamorama. That's the best thing he's done.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

Less Than Zero

bored now. least its short.


finished at did not enjoy. nothing happened


I think there's a lot happening.... Anyways, that's BEE's style. You gotta hand it to the man for being only 21 when he wrote it--he had every publisher courting him afterwards. So I guess something happened


i think he was 19. and in that respect yes its well written. i just expected more. the wiki page actually makes it sound interesting but reading it i didnt enjoy it. it was like a big build up to a big nothing.


anyway onwards to rules of attraction



i read that he was planning an american psycho sequel book next. he loves revisiting his characters. via twitter


The snuff flm part in LTZ was intense! Do yourself a favour and read Glamorama. That's the best thing he's done.


intense. it wasn't even a page worth.


i just read glamorama before LTZ see below for my review. i enjoy reading it but overall i was disappointed. maybe i'm just not a fan. something is missing


I just finished Brett Easton Ellis's Glamorama. I read it really quickly and I am going back and reading his books in order next starting with less than zero. BUT I can't say I liked glamorama. Nothing really happened or was explained (for such a long book). the mystery element was underplayed and not that interesting. the main character was annoying. But I must have liked it enough to want to read more of his stuff. i have only read american psycho previously of his.



there it is


again my complaint was that nothing happened. i guess i mean nothing happened that really meant anything. i really liked the duplicate element and the film crew stuff though

Edited by Benedict Cumberbatch
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