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Guest The Vidiot

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a chapter from "the birth of the clinic" by fuckoult, if he didn't already die of aids i'd wished it upon him. why would anyone write something in such pointlessly convoluted way for scientific purposes.

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Guest kokeboka

The Restaurant At The End of The Universe, by Douglas Adams. It's not as funny as I thought it would be, but it's fun nevertheless.

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Good shit. Historically accurate, bloody as fuck, great characters..


Matter by Iain M. Banks


Part of the "Culture" sci- fi series. Brother introduced me to this author, and although it isn't AMAZING, it is fairly creative/thought provoking for a sci-fi book.


I read Look to Windward a long time ago and it was one of my favourite books, I've been meaning to read them all for far too long now... Thanks for reminding me.

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Guest theSun

now reading:



just finished :



foundation was a little meh for me. the setting seemed cool enough but you don't get a close enough look at anything or become vested in the characters (at least i wasn't). do the other books expand in more detail or are they just more small veins of asimovs galactic history?

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foundation was a little meh for me. the setting seemed cool enough but you don't get a close enough look at anything or become vested in the characters (at least i wasn't). do the other books expand in more detail or are they just more small veins of asimovs galactic history?


Just finished it recently as well, I had read the rest of the series but not this one. The rest of the trilogy invests more on the characters, I think, but they're all made up of "small veins of asimovs galactic history", and foundation and empire's first half is super boring, they're all hella cool, tho.


the sequels and prequels of the original trilogy are definitely more detailed and character centric.




I'm halfway through 1Q84's third volume and I still have no idea what is it about, it seems to be permanently building up to something that never happens.

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now reading:


I read the second book when I was younger, really good memories.. going to start at the beginning when I'm done reading A Brave New World..


just finished the Death Gate cycle, pretty decent fantasy. enjoyed it.


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when i was a kid..


*takes seat by the fireplace*


take a seat by the fireplace will you..


when i was a kid, i lent ex-voto my copy of Voyage to Arcturus

earths shifted, moved in their courses and eventually collided or disintegrated...

and then ex-voto started reading the book.... son, that's how cosmic its timescale is.


he also trashed my copy of stephenson's cryptonomicon.


now we mostly read academic literature... but back when novels ruled the sky, robocop carrying ghosts up mountains, sup doing a backflip on a spike with CUP watching from the afterlife muttering "one love".


that's when supspension of disbelief was knig

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Guest disparaissant

currently reading the Lilith's Brood series by Octavia E. Butler. Absolutely fantastic. Truly great. Only on book one but man. So good.


other than that i just re-read snow crash and tried to re-start the baroque cycle but i wasn't feeling up to it. will probably read the diamond age after i'm done with lilith's brood because fuck i love that book.

also read some non-fiction book about a lady who's mom was one of those munchausen by proxy people and almost killed her and that was depressing but not all that good. and a book about queer transgression in medieval english lit. and a dance with dragons. didn't really care for it, GRRM seems to be letting shit slide. and before that it was our magnificent bastard tongue which was interesting but nothing i didn't know.

there were more but i dont feel like continuing.

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when i was a kid..


*takes seat by the fireplace*


take a seat by the fireplace will you..


when i was a kid, i lent ex-voto my copy of Voyage to Arcturus

earths shifted, moved in their courses and eventually collided or disintegrated...

and then ex-voto started reading the book.... son, that's how cosmic its timescale is.


he also trashed my copy of stephenson's cryptonomicon.


now we mostly read academic literature... but back when novels ruled the sky, robocop carrying ghosts up mountains, sup doing a backflip on a spike with CUP watching from the afterlife muttering "one love".


that's when supspension of disbelief was knig


A Voyage to Arcturus, mmmm

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currently reading the Lilith's Brood series by Octavia E. Butler. Absolutely fantastic. Truly great. Only on book one but man. So good.


other than that i just re-read snow crash and tried to re-start the baroque cycle but i wasn't feeling up to it. will probably read the diamond age after i'm done with lilith's brood because fuck i love that book.

also read some non-fiction book about a lady who's mom was one of those munchausen by proxy people and almost killed her and that was depressing but not all that good. and a book about queer transgression in medieval english lit. and a dance with dragons. didn't really care for it, GRRM seems to be letting shit slide. and before that it was our magnificent bastard tongue which was interesting but nothing i didn't know.

there were more but i dont feel like continuing.


The Diamond Age is seriously underrated.

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Guest disparaissant

finished up lilth's brood, it was amazing.

now reading perdido street station by china miéville

also been reading bits and bobs of sister outsider by audre lorde

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The Diamond Age is seriously underrated.


not by me! haven't read it in years though.




dense & well-researched book on currently existing solutions for planet problems. still towards the beginning; there's some very cool stuff in here.

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